So they do co-operate the UK and the South Wales Police forces.How can one NOT speak of a 'police state' where Law and Order have been replaced by Crime and Disorder?

Maurice has to attend court in London, but they think he should wait in a cell instead... The long arm between law makers and law enforcers... 

Portsmouth Police confirmed that Maurice has been arrested for an outstanding Warrant by a South Wales Court.

He will be collected by Cardiff Police and brought before Cardiff Magistrates Court in the morning.

Told the Police that he has Appealed against the warrant. They were aware of that but are awaiting Cardiff Police to come and collect him.

But: in Germany, too: I'm still under the spell of a 405-page document produced by a German solicitor in the hope that the  terrorist attack by 'foreign secret services' can be prevented: 

it is planned for Berlin, June 26, between 6pm and 7pm when the football championship for women will open in the Olympia Stadion. More here.

Cardiff Magistrates, TODAY, farcical hearing, where we witnessed for HM Court Service, Cardiff Court and CPS, all had refused to answer his 3rd November 10 request why the court withheld at least 6 medical reports. He was on morphine sulphate, awaiting hip replacement, but case carried on and he was convicted for common assaullt! He had tucked 'grounds', for 28th June 2011 Criminal Court of Appeal hearing, in the Royal Courts of Justice [ALL INVITED], in the top pocket of ex- South Wales policeman, now court clerk, when he had refused to accept it. Instead he pushed him down the court steps on his crutches causing him to be admitted into hospital with medical report stating....suspected broken leg. He posted the paper to London court next day!

Today the court refused to release proof of receipt of any of the medical reports from GPS and specialists and in front of a district judge who never even tried the case!

Bailed to report at Cardiff police station 3 x a week, just to be bloody minded....hearing to be 21st Sept 2011, ALL THE WORLD INVITED, Maurice says and lunch on him.

Maurice had to virtually 'beat it' out of the court to admit he had pending a Judicial Review Application, drafted by a lawyer, to have the apparent nonsense struck out.

Reliance Custody Services, Police and Cardiff Court ALL refused Maurice his medication again, whilst in custody and still on one of his crutches, just like during the fabricated 2009 machine gun case to obstruct his 19-year running civil damages claim for malicious prosecutions by South Wales Police [Cardiff County Court 11th and 12th July 2011 [ALL INVITED] 

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