Mr Justice Moses, Mr Justice Madison and Recorder of Leeds, presiding, to allow or not, eye witnesses and the release from Caswell Clinic, Bridgend, Maurice's medical records of possible brain tumour? £50 for anyone attending and supplying written record of what they both saw and heard.
Criminal Court of Appeal
12th April 2011
Regina v Maurice John Kirk Case number: 201004016C1
Dear Sir,
I wish permission to appeal to the Supreme Court of England and Wales
Some of the Grounds;
Contrary to Article 47 and 1998 Human Rights Act
- 1. Hearing took place in Appellant's absence despite medical evidence that he could not attend following major surgery in Brittany, France.
- 2. Lawyer instructed was unable to attend due to ill health.
- 3. The Cardiff judge had already risen from his seat thereby no court was in session at the time of alleged offence of Contempt of Court.
- 4. The limited facts before the Court of Appeal, due to failed prosecution disclosure, made it unsafe to dismiss the Appeal.
- 5. Both Cardiff Court and Criminal Court of Appeal refused eye witnesses, including the police officer in attendance ‘to keep an eye on the Applicant', the latter simply there asking for clarification relating to his suspected brain tumour and diagnosed ‘significant brain damage' causing a ‘paranoid delusional disorder', as set out in 2nd December 2009 Cardiff Crown Court records (refused to be disclosed) and numerous psychiatric reports by Dr Tegwyn Williams of Caswell Clinic prison, Bridgend.
- 6. Neither court have considered and/or taken steps to have the Applicant/prisoner/Appellant examined as to the relevance of the ‘mental disorder ‘affecting his conduct on 24th June 2011.
- 7. Both Cardiff Crown Courts and The Court of Appeal refused to order clarification of Dr Tegwyn Williams's findings, the latter pleading before 2nd December 2009 Cardiff Crown Court, in the absence of the prisoner, were sufficiently so serious that he recommended the prisoner be Sectioned, 41, under the 1983 Mental Health Act, to Ashworth high security psychiatric prison.
- NO FILE was thrown at the presiding judge.
Maurice J Kirk BVSc (Applicant)
Losing today's Criminal Court of Appeal that carried on without Maurice being able to call the eye witnesses, refused in the lower court or have released the original court record of the incident, three High Court judges ignoring the serious content in his five page submission(below), ignoring the doctor's certificate that Maurice cannot travel to England to fight the case, due to his recent hip operation and most importantly, now, three more judges are backing at least ten previous Cardiff judges that have all refused to make Dr Tegwyn Williams clarify his scandalous 2009 medical reports, purely to have Maurice sectioned under the 1983 Mental Health Act as he may have a 'brain tumour' but definitely has permanent ,‘significant brain damage', too dangerous to allow release from prison, just about sums up the current state of our UK law courts.
Dr Sheida Oraki , as Maurice's Mackenzie Friend, fought her corner with panache, asking for the usual basic relevant disclosure of evidence, withheld due to the gross embarrassment it would cause the Taffia, left the court clearly of the opinion the UK Criminal courts appear to be in as much a mess as her civil court experiences have revealed.
Just a simple updated Dr Tegwyn Williams medical report, on my 'brain damage', could avoid, currently, three, possibly four, of the on going criminal and civil court proceedings, two shortly for Europe, financed by the tax payer, YOU
France cancels Maurice's five months of asylum protection from South Wales Police
Only a cynic would suggest this is a coincidence
Extract 30/03/11 OPFRA, Paris letter::
"Par ailleurs, La Grande- Bretaqne, Etat membre de l'Union europenne, peut etre regarde conme respectant Ies libertes fondamentales ; ce pays dispose notamment d'un systeme judicialre de nature a garantir a ses ressortissants le droit a un recours effectif en cas d' atteinte a ces libertes. Des lors, sa demande apparait manifestement infonde"
République française,
Ministry of the Interior,
dossier : 2010-12-03992-EU-NHI
The application for asylum by Mr Maurice John KIRK
is rejected for the following reasons:
The applicant, a British subject and former veterinary surgeon, alleges malicious
obstruction by local administrators of the British judiciary system thus, among
other things, preventing him from being reinstated in the Register of the Royal
College of Veterinary Surgeons. He claims to have been threatened with death
at the time of an arrest in 2009 and to have been the victim of illegal psychiatric
imprisonment. A warrant for his arrest was [apparently] issued on 2nd November
2010 for an alleged assault. These disputes have caused delay in the
therapeutic treatment of various other medical problems, in particular
However, the applicant has provided no element, in his detailed but, nonetheless
confused, declarations that could seriously establish that he be the object of
persecution or threats without any protection being available in his country of
Moreover, Great-Britain, a member state of the European Union, can be
regarded as respecting the fundamental liberties ; it is a country that has a
judiciary system intended to guarantee its citizens the right to effective recourse
in cases of infringement of these liberties. Hence, his application appears to be
manifestly unfounded.
Fontenay-sous-Bois, 30th March 2011
chef de la Division Europe
French Authorities refer to Union Law protecting citizens in any Member State to obtain protection from his or her 'domestic court', tomorrow.
What a joke! Maurice intends to appeal the decision.
It is June 2010. Maurice is in court after seven months unlawful imprisonment, three of which in Dr Tegwyn Williams' psychiatric clinic, the dreaded Caswell Clinic, Bridgend. Williams falsified medical evidence to try and obtain Maurice's permanent imprisonment, without trial, for the South Wales Police defending a 19 year running civil damages claim for bullying, malicious prosecutions, false imprisonments and perverting the course of justice.
He gets so frustrated by the judge not being willing to look at the evidence that he puts a folder on the clerk's desk in a way that is considered, by some, to be in "contempt of court".
Well, in his well-trained ability to appeal, ten months later, he is expected to be in the Royal Courts of Justice in London on Tuesday, April 12th. Time and room can be confirmed from 020 7947 7717. But so far, it's scheduled for 10.30 in Room 5.
Here is his submission.
Here is the Court's letter: you must attend or else your appeal will be dismissed. [His French doctors forbid him to travel for 2 months after his hip was replaced on March 25th.]
And here is the Court's update