Filed under: Caswell Clinic, Cardiff Prison, medical records, Mental Health Act, Professor Roger Wood, Dr Tegwyn Williams, MAPPA, Cardiff County Court, Welsh Assembly, police criminality, human rights, attempted murder
Court of Appeal sent
Notice that Friday 29th July Hearing
Cancelled and adjourned to
9.45am 28th September 2011
Apologies for all those who had planned to come. However, the Dr Tegwyn William's case is still at 2pm 29th July where he will attempt to get the case struck out! Any one needing copy of Particulars of Claim/false psychiatric reportsetc please e-mail me
But as to why, we will hear about later .
‘Pass the Parcel' or ‘Rivers of Blood'?
Yesterday, as I was leaving Cardiff County Court, I was accosted by two plain clothed policemen in the foyer who asked me if the current blog on my website,, meant ‘I had bought a shot gun' and could I explain, ‘blood on the streets of Cardiff and Bradford'?
I asked, before I could answer, that I needed to be reminded of the exact wording. The two police were unable to repeat the exact words or provide a copy of the blog article. I was then asked what form of transport I was using. Was there was any legal obligation, on my part, to answer that question either, I asked? I did not wait for their answers and left.
Deja Vu, Maurice? Are they sure it wasn't another machine gun I had just bought?
So, somewhat perplexed, I went to the Central police station to try and establish just why I had not been set up to be shot, like last time, as a level 3 MAPPA most dangerous, now roaming the streets of the UK?
Why, then, was I not arrested and remanded in custody again, for nearly eight months or, at least, cautioned and interrogated for days?
On the previous occasion, in June 2009, police attention related to an advertisement for the sale a dilapidated decommissioned WW1 Lewis machine gun, attached to the nose of my DH2 replica fighter aircraft. She was used for air displays, including the Farnborough Air show and the gun advert had been currently running in aviation magazines, including a CAA one and had been on my web site for over eight years!
The aircraft and antique Lewis had been sold well over a year before to a display team in England. The new owner, an ex RAF armourer had managed to get her working but as the jury commented, why was he not, with the original owner who sold her to me, also in the dock?
During cross examination it was established the Welsh police, English police not touching the incident with the proverbial ‘barge pole', convert her back to looking like when I was the owner.
The CAA's handling of this was, in particular, interesting and in the way they ordered all other four ‘guns' to be rapidly removed from the RAF Hendon museum and elsewhere.
The jury particularly noted how the Welsh trial judge repeatedly intervened each time I wished to examine the exhibit for traces of the new owner' paint, I could see from the dock, left in the cracks of the magazine.
The jury, after the first day of cross examination, also commented of the obvious gap in the audit trail, in the two thousand mile journey around the UK, whilst police, often driving alone, took a prohibited weapon to the South Wales Police forensic unit for their ‘modifications'.
It stinks doesn't it?
So, at least, there was no armed police response unit this time, exceeding twenty five officers in the dawn raid and an armed police helicopter overhead directing operations.
Well, there must have been MAPPA involvement again?
Multi Agency Public Protection arrangements or IAG (Independent Advisory Group) with senior police must have occurred with another type ‘Operation Chalice' or Operation Orchid military agenda.
[This coming Friday's hearing includes my appeal for further disclosure of 2009 MAPPA minutes, some already leaked. This must now be expanded for the latest 20011 records kept in Police HQ, Bridgend, including the air brushing out of all my involvement with MAPPA at the 4pm 17th December 2009 Caswell Clinic meeting , chaired by Dr Tegwyn Williams in the presence of the Defendant (Respondent), the South Wales Police ]
The latter ‘operation' was the code name, last time, to snatch our then ten year old daughter by Welsh Social Services, terrifying my then wife, almost witless, the Chief Constable stating our home was far too dangerous for Genevieve's safety.
Disappointingly, at the front desk of Cardiff Central, I was told the police inspector, ‘in charge' of this new fire arms case, was ‘unavailable' and ‘no one else could help'!
So I took the opportunity to finding out what progress there was, at least, following my two years of detailed complaint on the 'machine gun' incident that lead to my incarceration where, once locked up, I was falsely sectioned under the 1983 Mental Health Act with repeated police applications to Cardiff Crown Court that I must be sent to Ashworth high security psychiatric prison, before or after the trial, effectively for life.
No progress for me, apparently, which was of no great surprise, bearing in mind both previous and current Chief Constables of South Wales Police, Dolmans, their lawyers defending my nineteen year running damages claim against them and Dr Tegwyn Williams, following new evidence, all featured in the advice from Bristol magistrates that I direct the serious indictable allegations back at the Recorder of Cardiff.
Within ten days, despite the new evidence, including part of some of the leaked MAPPA minutes, the Chief Executive for the South Wales Police Authority, a Mr Fry, stated in his 19th July 20011 letter:
'I do not intend to investigate your case further '.
But hang on a moment, what, if at all, has he examined, in such a short space of time??????
No one has come back to me or to my named witnesses, for further and better information.
But, hang on a moment, was it not, in June 2009, Judge Cooke QC, the Recorder of Cardiff, who attempted to close down my website for the second time, while I was in prison, the judge being caught on tape, scheming with the CPS over manipulated Texas State Psychiatric Prison records, also denied me, when deliberately excluding me from the hearing.
But hang on a moment, was it not, on 2nd December 2009, the police CPS prosecutor and rogue doctor, Tegwyn Williams with Judge Bidder QC were also caught scheming on the tape, for the police to obtain my imprisonment for life and so avoid the imminent civil also refusing me bail after hearing the most bizarre of arguments?
Who cares, in these days of judicial and policing meltdown in Cardiff?
Remember twelve or so Cardiff police now currently facing an ongoing trial for another case of 'bullying' witnesses, just to send innocent to jail, 'The Cardiff Four'.
But there is a Crown Court procedure, Norman reminds me, to deal directly with serious criminal offences that occurred in their own courts!
Bullying, in the South Wales Police? Perish the thought!
I left Cardiff Central Police Station and went straight to the Crown Court, next door, to establish why judge Cooke's delay, following my handing in to him, on 5th July, a list of criminal allegations, some as 'private prosecutions' to finally bust their corrupt judicial money making game and possibly, their ‘Achilles Heel'.
Charges included ‘shoot to kill', ‘attempted murder', ‘perversion of justice', ‘false imprisonment' and ‘falsification of medical records' to pervert the course of justice', all implicating the South Wales Police , their lawyers and, of course, Dr Tegwyn Williams of South Wales Police Forensic Unit, Caswell Clinic, Bridgend.
I was refused entry to the Crown Court building...."You are not allowed in". "Is that a promise?", I asked
The Cardiff Crown court manager told me the learned judge had directed them to Cardiff Magistrates, of all places!
But was that not the same place as District Judge Brown had ruled earlier on similar but different charges to Bristol? He had said each private prosecution was laid from a man appearing to be suffering from a 'paranoid delusional disorder' in that he believed he was being persecuted by the South Wales Police.
I refused to leave the Crown Court, wishing to be a member of the public to watch the allegedly corrupt South Wales police officers under cross examination in the ongoing 'Cardiff Four' alleged falsified police evidence, those many years ago.
"We will call the police", said the manager, "and they will arrest you". So I waited and waited for the 75 yard journey from the police station, opposite to be traversed by armed police men.
I had even asked two in a squad car, right outside the court front door, to stay a minute as there was about to be a possible 'breach of the peace' and would need their assistance (in an arrest) as I ‘forced entry' into the court building. Eventually it was established the police had refused to attend so I promptly left.
Just another indication of just how serious things have become, here, in South Wales, leaving little alternative for many, to take to the streets in order for the ‘thinking section' of our politicians to restore law and order.
So, on leaving the court building, off I trot to the magistrates, next to Cardiff prison, only to be told no one knew anything about the case coming from the Recorder. It took just under forty minutes, there being no intention of my leaving the building, following the threat I was going to be forcefully evicted.
Eventually the court clerk admitted the ‘possible' file was locked up in the court filing cabinet but no one, available, had a key!
Enid Blyton could not have done better.
Let us see what Mr Justice, from the Royal Courts of Justice, thinks about all this on Friday, 29th July, at 10am, in Cardiff Justice Centre.
MAPPA minutes conspiracy, of 'shoot to kill' by South Wales Police in June 2009 and when that failed, Welsh Social Services storming our home, protected by armed police,dogs and helicopter, should I resist their snatch attempt of our 10 year old daughter.
All this was pre planned and agreed and recorded by South Wales Police, Welsh Social Services, Probation and Dr Tegwyn Williams' Caswell Clinic Psychiatric prison. Police were desperate to kill me off or delay me, as a Claimant, from prosecuting 20 years of police bullying, malicious prosecutions and false imprisonment.
Some Caswell Clinic staff, unbeknown to the Director, Dr Tegwyn William, also attending 2009 MAPPA monthly meetins, during my incarceration, have now leaked their official record to confirm the above.....see downloads for documents etc.
Prolonged imprisonment had nothing what ever to do with ten Cardiff judges who, ever since, simply rubber stamped a Section 35 Mental Health Act Order or refuse bail as I was considered in the top 5% most dangerous.
So, when I won the machine gun trial, on 9th february 2010 why was I released without explanation? To fool the tax payer and general public my farcical trial and nearly eight monrths imprisonment was lawful?
And what about the Dr Williams' numerous false medical reports, to keep me locked up, stating I had 'significant brain damage' and possible brain tumour/
No one in Wales has ever told me about my percieved malady.... Not without trying mind you. I am unable to retain a GP, for the politics implicated or even get a brain scan!
I had to go to France to get one.
It took quick action by my kid sister, Celia, in Jersey, to obtain a transcript account of 2nd December 2009 clandestine hearing, with Dr Williams , CPS barrister, Richard Thomlow and equally evil, Judge Neil Bidder QC, all huddled mumbling together in some corner of a Cardiff Crown Court unaware someone had, inadvertently, switched the tape recorder on!
Me, not allowed out of my cell, this incestuous cabal of what is now so sick in our UK law courts discussed whether the three of them had, at last, enough to have me locked away for life, possibly, in Ashworth t high security psychiatric prison.
29th July Court of Appeal hearing will reveal more about the deceit riddled Welsh police protected by their cosy relationship with its very own, they hope, wicked judiciary.
Achilles Heel
NOW Cardiff judges are blocking my Private Criminal Prosecutions, re Dr Tegwyn Williams, Barbara Wilding and Adrian Oliver,which will also be before 29th July Court of Appeal Hearing 10 am at Cardiff Civil Justice Centre. A mere few nanoseconds, on each issue, I am informed, is the order of the day.
There is going to be trouble, big time.....
But it is a people's court, isnt it, needing a jury to decide.
Imagine, if you can, the police, represented in court for the past around sixteen years, have offered no opposition to disclosure of the MAPPA minutes to me, under PII (Public Interest Immunity).
The judge, HHJ Seys Llewellyn QC, striking out the politically sensitive incidents of 35 ot so, in my first three of six actions for damages, has read the minutes also!!!!
His Honour told the court no names of the agencies or secretary, making seven monthly minutes, appear on the copy given to him by the MAPPA Co ordinator, Nigel Rees!!!
And where better to start than Cardiff? Bradford?
Cockeyed Cardiff Court Conspiracies, as predicted
The Cardiff Court, hearing, last week, was to consider the disclosure of MAPPA minutes, created following seven clandestine monthly meetings in police stations or Caswell Clinic, Bridgend, commencing on the 1st and 8th June 09 with South Wales Police, Probation, psychiatric staff and/or prison personnel etc. They all sat around a table conspiring to have me shot.
Caswell Clinic staff, at the first meeting included social worker Elizabeth Paul and TG, [substantial reward for TG identification], are identified in leaked memo.
Yesterday, realising I knew Elizabeth Paul and Dr Tegwyn Willliams had attended my MAPPA meetings with high ranking police officers, the proposed trial judge ruled I could not, during the substantive trial, next year?, from around one hundred witnesses or so, call any of those at each MAPPA meeting, revealed by cross examination.
[ Do they just make up this Enyd Blyton stuff, as the mood fancies?]
Again a substantial reward is offered for the names of each government or Welsh Assembly employee who were at one or more of the seven, at least, clandestine MAPPA meetings. The police continue to be allowed to hide identity of police at incidents, court documents and even incident numbers!!!!
The 29th July Court of Appeal at 10am is destined for another absolute farce, to cover up the wide spread corruption in Cardiff courts.
When failing to getting me shot, leaving my arrest for several weeks, I am imprisoned for trading in an antique decommissioned machine gun, attached to my replica WW1 display aircraft! Sold a year earlier, the remaining six MAPPA meetings diverted to achieve my extended imprisonment under the 1983 Mental Health Act, all present looking for an IPP (Imprisonment for Public Protection).
Judge Nicholas Cooke QC, in July 09, asking in court,i my being refused right to attend, if my web site had been closed down yet? This rogue then quickly employed another local villain, the Welsh psychiatrist Dr Tegwyn Williams and almost managed my permanent imprisonment with the doctor submitting a string of false reports to at least six judges.All must have known, only too well, his evidence was most likely false, he not even bothering to examine me for his first 3rd August 09 report!
As to whether he was qualified to interpret a specialist brain scan, is obvioushe as he was vrelying on a psychologist mate from Swansea University with, apparently, no medical qualifications whatsoever!
This Professor Roger Wood, co-defendant in 29th july at 2pm hearing lied in his September 09 'medical report' of me, written to Dr Ruth Bagshaw, another witness, shortly to be heard on oath. When I won my Feb 10 'machine gun' case, he quickly re-wrote the report, promised my incarceration for life, back dating it to the same 09 letter to Dr Ruth Bagshaw of Caswell Clinic, but refering to a retired chief of police, Barbara Wilding who did not in fact retire until 31st Dec 09!
These are just a few examples of the games they regularly play in the Welsh law courts with the ‘Taffia' and their priority 'gravy train', desperate for an independent judiciary, almost like Scotland, no longer answerable to the English tax payer.
But you have heard nothing yet!
His Honour Judge Seys Llewellyn QC went on to say that he took the 'slim file' of MAPPA minutes from the police staff, a Mr Nigel Rees and read it, only to promptly return it to police HQ, Bridgend, refusing even to take a copy or indicate the minutes' content, neither identifying the author or just who was present...
Police lawyers argued the file was not ‘police property' and only consisted of Agencies' notes under the control of the Probation Service! More porky pies.
No one would tell me, in court, as in prison, just which agencies were at the meeting's discussing my likely demise or permanent incarceration.
Why? to prevent my court disclosure applications to the High Court judge, next week, he being sent down from London by the notorious HM Court Service (Wales), to go through the motions of why the main incidents have been ‘struck out' in my nineteen year quest for so called justice.
Spurious non sensicle arguement is their regular game now in our law courts,licenced to print money and anwerable to no one.
On 29thJuly at 10 am at Cardiff Civil Justice Centre, before Mr Justice Kitchin or Beatson, possibly, and, again in the afternoon with Dr Tegwyn Williams' 'perverting the course of justice' case about to start, also funded by the NHS (Wales) ie the English tax payer, fighting now for his liberty, at 2pm........should be a bit of sport, free candy floss and sticky buns, at the interval, for all who come.
As with the machine gun damages claim lawyers for Williams will be applying for years of delay, all waiting for me to die.
Things then appeared to became even more farcical yesterday, when the judge stated the MAPPA ‘minutes', some already leaked to me, stating I was 'likely to get shot if I approached the Chief Constable', could not be found in Mr Nigel Rees's 'slim(e)' pile. Why not? Apparently each agency have their own notes and someone writes the minutes but who checks them as agreed?
The judge, when asked, my needing the names of those present, to give evidence, shortly, in the ‘machine gun' one million pound damages claim said, 'there are no names recorded in the minutes'..
The police lawyers were quick to add they had not seen the ‘minutes'! Laughable, if it was not so deadly serious.
The QC then attempted to persuade the judge the ‘minutes' were not under the ‘control' of the South Wales Police! I was, of course, refused the information as to just who did have overall control? the Crown Prosecution Service (Wales)?
Clearly the purported papers, before the judge, were highly unlikely to be the original and I said so, as with the ‘executive summary' of all seven months meetings, released by police HQ at Christmas, following my application, clearly having been frantically rewritten by the police, following the specific Court Order for disclosure.
Eventually the judge bent a little more by ordering a copy of the purported ‘minutes' to be secured by the court,after all, in a ‘sealed envelope', to be signed by him on each page, following my allegations that the ‘original' minutes could not have been disclosed, if there were no names on it and a vote recorded being taken, each month, as to a true and fair account of the previous proceedings!
Due to the manner in which I had been registered, by Cardiff's capricious cabal, as top level 3 MAPPA, in the top 5% most dangerous 'at large', set up for a few weeks to be shot by police marksmen, is it not the makings of an amusing new board game or class action at the Court of Human Rights?
The MAPPA last purported meeting was in Caswell Clinic, on the 17th December 2009, with me in 'solitary', in Cardiff prison, just before the ridiculous ‘machine gun' trial.
Now, with Dr Tegwyn Williams obviously being made to withdraw his scandalous allegations of my brain tumour and permanent brain damage, by the Princess of Wales only brain scan, in August 09, being leaked by yet another well wisher or old veterinary client, just what will they try next?
Would I have loved to have been a ‘fly on the wall' in that meeting, only for my MAPPA encounter to be 'air brushed out' of the MAPPA records like Austin State Psychiatric Hospital did in Texas, USA, following my lawful landing in a farmer's field over four miles away from President Bush's ranch.
Re "anarchy" by Sabine K McNeill: it should be noted that Tony Farrell, Principal Intelligence Analyst of South Yorkshire Police, was dismissed after he concluded that the "enemy from within", aka state terrorism, and the complete breakdown of confidence in Government, presents a far greater risk for violence than any other outside foe.
See Terror threat is in UK Government (video interview) or British Police Intelligence Analyst Tony Farrell: 9/11 and 7/7 are Acts of Internal Tyranny.
You could also take the risk of reading about that a 'false flag attack' was planned to take place in Berlin. But, thanks to two lawyers who submitted a 400-page document and another very different report to the highest official authorities and a LOT that happened on the net, especially, the operation was cancelled. More on First we bomb Manhatten, the we nuke Berlin: 26-06-2011, 7:17pm
In the Court of Appeal Appeal Nos. CF029/2011a & CF030/2011a
Cardiff Civil Justice Centre, Cardiff, South Wales at 10am 29th July 2011
Maurice John Kirk v South Wales Police (6 Actions)
Appellant applies to court to:
- 1. Uphold the Bristol District Judge's 4th July 2011 decision that Appellant's private criminal prosecutions are dealt with by the Cardiff Crown Court where most of these criminal offences took place.
- 2. Examine Dr Tegwyn Williams falsified numerous court reports, between 7th August and 17th December 2009 inclusive, for the Chief Constable, CPSand agencies within MAPPA, disclosed in leaked MAPPA minutes, to keep the Appellant locked up in prison and so prejudice these and other civil damages claims against the South Wales Police and order the NHS (Wales)m to carry out a follow up brain scan.
- 3. Overturn the 29th June 2011Cardiff District Judge decision and issue summonses for these private prosecutions also to be dealt with by Cardiff Crown Court as English judge has already advised.
Cardiff Magistrate's decision, not to issue summonses against Barbara Wilding, Adrian Oliver and Dr Tegwyn Williams, was conveyed thus:
Dear Mr Kirk,
Your application to state a case, received on 5th July 2011, has been considered by District Judge Brown. District Judge Brown deems the application to be frivolous, and in accordance with Section 111(5) Magistrates' Courts Act 1980, has refused to state a case.
Yours sincerely,
Sally Lewis
Legal Manager
Cardiff Magistrates' Court
- 4. Order current proceedings in the County Court be stayed pending the outcome of criminal proceedings in both Cardiff Crown Court and England's High Court.
- 5. Order current proceedings in the County Court to be stayed for a response from the Professional Standards Department, South Wales Police HQ, IPCC and an external police force, Gloucestershire, all of whom have had service of the relevant facts for an independent enquiry.
- 6. Order disclosure of original versions of ‘laid information' of ‘Breach of the Peace' allegation, every one different served or not served on Barry magistrates by Crown Prosecution Service solicitor, Jackie Seal in ‘struck out' incident at Vale of Glamorgan Show. Order the next version, handed to the Appellant, this time during Recorder of Cardiff's Crown Court hearing and final version handed to Bridgend magistrate's clerk also different to any other, causing allegation of BOP to be withdrawn for fear the Appellant would refuse a ‘bind over' and so go to prison.
- 7. Order witness summons to be served on Ms Jackie Seal, to attend with full records of the incident.
- 8. Order original overhead video of police, caught beating up Appellant in Newport Road, Cardiff, before being redacted of the police breaking into his car, thereby giving evidence of the full extent of the violent police assault, be disclosed the Court of Appeal judge
- 9. Order redacted overhead video of police, caught beating up Maurice Kirk in Newport Road, Cardiff, [see website videos],another ‘struck out incident' subject to appeal, released only after a year of appellant's refused applications to police, CPS, magistrates and Crown Courts.
- 10. Order summonses to be served to attend on those handling that video record of the incident.
- 11. Order original custody videos from Rumney and Roath Cardiff police stations, where Appellant was further beaten up by South Wales Police.
- 12. Order witness summons to be served on whoever recorded the videos and who had control of them only to be redacted from waist level upwards so as a court could not identify the assaulting police officers.
- 13. Order disclosure of Dr Metters' hand written notes, used at 8th June 2009 MAPPA meeting in Barry police station, to register the Appellant MAPPA level 3, top 5% most dangerous.
- 14. Order witness summonses to be served on social worker, Elizabeth Paul and disclose her original notes to identify, TG (? Dr Tegwyn Williams) and mental health nurse, also from Caswell Clinic, who attended the 8th June 2009 Barry police station MAPPA meeting.
- 15. Order witness summons to be served on Dr Tegwyn Williams to attend with Appellant's medical notes created that caused his reports to be written and submitted to 7th August, September, October, November and 2nd and 17th December 2009 Crown Court hearings, to oppose bail, seeking the Appellant be transferred to Ashworth High Security Psychiatric Prison for an indeterminate period.
- 16. Order a witness summons to be served on Nigel Rees, of South Wales Police HQ, Bridgend, to attend and confirm, from MAPPA agency records, the adjournment of the 2010 pre planned ten week civil trial, following Appellant's false imprisonment by police using false Dr Tegwyn Williams court reports to oppose bail, prolonged not just imprisonment but the date for the machine gun criminal trial thus preventing the Appellant from having surgery, in Wales, for a total hip replacement.
- 17. Order Nigel Rees to attend with a copy of the purported MAPPA minutes supplied to and signed by His Honour Judge Seys Llewellyn QC and a true copy identifying those who attended seven meetings to obtain the Appellant's continued imprisonment.
- 18. Order a witness summons to be served on Chief Inspector J Dave of South Wales Police to attend and explain why, at 4pm, on 17th December 2009, immediately after the Appellant's refused bail application, in Newport Crown Court, all MAPPA dealings with the Appellant were quashed without explanation ever since.
- 19. Order witness summonses to be served on both Chief Constable and Adrian Oliver to attend and disclose evidence, in their control, confirming the appellant was in possession of a prohibited weapon, contrary to the 1968 Fire Arms Act and was a mental health risk to both his youngest son and youngest daughter. None of this was disclosed before the criminal trial or offered in evidence.
- 20. Order Adrian Oliver to attend with full particulars of his complaint, re ‘threat to commit criminal damage' causing the Appellant's arrest and custody, on 22nd June 2009, having repeatedly refused previous Court Orders to so disclose.
- 21. Order HM Court Service (Wales), following HHJ Nicholas Cooke QC's order for the Appellant to have free court transcripts of 2009,T20097445 Machine Gun Case, to reimburse the Appellant.
- 22. Order HM Court Service (Wales), following HHJ Nicholas Cooke QC order to disclose Dr Tegwyn Williams' records of the Appellant, his patient, referring to his significant brain damage and suspected brain tumour, retained by the Cardiff Court following the 2nd December 2009 hearing.
- 23. Order the Defendant to release the names and addresses of witnesses, for trial, in each of the hundred or so, police incidents, many witnesses traced from the South Wales Police Pension Fund available to the Defendant but not to the Claimant.
Does the Claimant have to resort to employing ex-News of the World reporters, to find witnesses already known to the defence?
A £10,000 reward, so far, for the whereabouts of some vital witnesses, known by the police, is not enough, apparently, to fight locally entrenched deceit denying the Claimant speedy remedy and a ‘level playing field'.
- 24. Order the consolidation of the Appellant's machine gun Action with two or more of previous Actions.
- 25. Order a criminal investigation to be expedited following the fresh evidence from the above named witnesses and information recently given to His Honour Judge Seys Llewellyn QC of the continuing mindset of the Defendant with a string of furher false imprisonments, bullying, malicious prosecutions and harassment since the Appellant's 9th February 2010 Crown Court acquittal and immediate release from prison.
His Honour was told eleven of the jury volunteered the fact their verdict was decided on the very first day of police evidence.
- 26. The Applicant appeals the MAPPA Orders 1, 2 and 3 of 12th July 2011 Cardiff County Court, refusing disclosure or criminal investigation, to be transferred out of this incestuous environment of South Wales.
This list is not exhaustive due to the continuing conduct of both the South Wales Police and HM Court Service (Wales).