CONFIRMED ring 07907937953 or maurice@kirkflyingvet.com Wed 22nd June 11am Cardiff Magistrates
After personally witnessing, once again, the most bizarre excuses by judges, this time in both Leeds and Manchester courts, this week, to block the police from facing Norman Scarth's private criminal prosecution, I will watch yet another potentially wicked welshing judge protect how the then Chief Constable, Barbara Wilding set me up to be shot: next Wednesday, unless HM Partnership blocks it.
Whilst taking her eye off the bead of her rifle sight, for a moment too long, my having gained entry to the inner sanctum of her offices in police HQ the day before, it allowed Adrian Oliver, senior partner of Dolmans Solicitors, the 'right arm not knowing what the left arm was doing', to arrange for yet another false statement to be fabricated so that I could be arrested and jailed on, this time incidentally, 'threats of criminal damage' that, of course, never materialised. The purpose was to further frustrate the ongoing 19 year civil damages claim that arose from previously failed malicious prosecutions and false imprisonments.
Anarchy is only just around the corner, I suggest, Mr Peter Vaughn, the current Chief Constable of South Wales Police and it will not just be 'occasioned' within the Principality.
CPS Cardiff
South Wales
18th June 2011
FAO Mr M Curry
Failure to Surrender to Bail on 2nd November 2010 & Conviction in Defendant's Absence.
Application to Vary Bail Conditions and Release of NHS Medical Records
Dear Sir,
1. Following your receipt of the relevant 2010 medical records from my anaesthetist, GP, medical specialist, consultant radiologist and psychiatrist, all indicating my unfitness to plead, due to morphine medication and awaiting a total hip replacement, I enclose, so there can be no remaining doubt, the 28th October 2009 forensic psychiatric report by South Wales Police doctor, Dr Tegwyn Williams. It indicates I have irreversible but significant brain damage, he doubting my capacity to be prosecuted.
2. The complainant to police, in your common assault case, the ex police officer, Mr Derrick Hassan of Welsh HM Court Service, had with others, apart from puching me down a flight of stairs on my crutches but had failed to above place relevant evidence, already in their possession, either before any Cardiff Magistrates, even on the day of trial or place all of it before HHJ Nicholas Cooke QC, following my June 2010 Application so to do.
3. Failure to serve all the records, previously served on the court, including the 1st and 2nd 2009 medical reports, has now led to a ‘Contempt of Court' conviction currently drafted for the European Court of Human Rights following a one month prison sentance.
4. I also enclose one page of 2nd December 2009 Cardiff Crown Court transcript when your colleague, a Mr Richard Thomlow, indicated I may also have a space invading lesion of the cranium, cancer, following discussion with Dr Tegwyn Williams in the closed court.
5. Both Cardiff CPS and Dr Tegwyn Williams recommended, instead, I be incarcerated, for life, in Ashworth High Security Psychiatric prison, still unconvicted.
6. Does the CPS have any information, please, for the Criminal Court of Appeal, to explain as to just why I was not then locked up in a psychiatric prison, after the machine gun trial, following ten years of police covert surveillance and seven months in custody as a MAPPA Category 3, considered one of the top most dangerous 5% in the UK ?
7. This matter is currently also the subject of HHJ Seys Llewllyn QC‘s 11th July 2011 judgment on whether or not PII legislation will allow the clandestine 2009 MAPPA minutes, relating to my purported trading in WW1 machine guns, be released to the nineteen year running damages claim following numerous similarly failed malicious prosecutions, bullying and false imprisonments.
8. Further, the NHS still refuse to carry out another brain scan while HM Court Service still refuse to disclose the medical records that were referred to, before HHJ Neil Bidder QC, my being unrepresented, locked up below with tape recorder deliberately switched off.
9. I am having further difficulties, only yesterday, in obtaining treatment or clarification of my medical records either from the Welsh NHS or my own GP's Ravenscourt Medical Practice, Barry, the latter, for some reason, unknown to me, having now removed my name and records from their building just as my previous GPs did, of Cowbridge Health Centre, when I also only asked for clarification of what really occurred in Caswell Clinic Prison [7th August to 24th October 2009] when I was forced to accept intravenous radioactive isotopes to have the unnecessary SPECT scan interpreted by those with no appropriate qualification other than evil intent.
10. The matter, today, of Welsh HM Court Service, HHJ Nicholas Cooke QC, Welsh NHS and Dr Tegwyn Williams ALL continuing to refuse me clarification or correction of records affects your decision as to my competence and or capacity to be further prosecuted.
11. This also currently lies with court hearings, shortly to be heard, in;
1. Criminal Court of Appeal, London, 28th June 2011 (one month Contempt of Court imprisonment)
2. Administrative Court, Cardiff, 16th June 2011 on Appeal to oral hearing
3. Petty Debts Court, Cardiff re Kirk v Dr Tegwyn Williams
4.Cardiff Civil Justice Centre damages claims, against Dr Tegwyn Williams, Professor Roger Wood, NHS (Wales), HM Prison Cardiff and South Wales Police for conspiracy.
Yours faithfully,
Maurice J Kirk BVSc
Copy to Criminal Court of Appeal
Cardiff County Courts