Maurice has been remanded to Cardiff prison until 4/12/09 when he will be heard by another judge over his fitness to plead.
What the hell is going on? the lunatics realy have taken over the asylum!!!
Keep holding on Maurice
After nearly sixty years of wondering about Maurice I now get to know it's down to rapid deceleration in plane crashes which caused brain damage. Goodness he must have started flying at a very tender age.
In those early years Maurice was just as adventurous and liked to push the boundaries and sometimes get into trouble for doing so (including me). Good luck.
God forbid that the quality of handwriting and spelling ability be the dividing line between Homo Sapiens and Homo Demens, and that psychiatrist "experts" witnesses reports be permitted to define the meaning of "common sense" and to make an offence of eccentricity.
At one time in recent memory, the government introduced a Plain speaking charter by which it was intended that all instructions, reports, government publications and laws etc be written in clear concise and understandable language capable of being understood by the "man (now - or woman) in the street". I and many othersI am in touch with find the manner in which laws and law books (CPRs etc) are written to be at time incomprehensible especially when Law 'A' refers to a subsection within a subsection of Law 'B' and Law 'B' subsection makes reference to a further subsection with a subsection of Law 'C'. Having found a pathway through this maze one is left wondering if it means anything at all when the phrase "OR AS THE COURT THINKS FIT/APPROPRIATE" nullifies any protection or right one may have erroneously assumed (in the eyes of the court, that is)
You might like to listen to Law in Action on BBC iPlayer broadcast yesterday 27th. An interview with Lord Igor Judge, the aptly named Lord Chief Justice and head of the judiciary for England & Wales. The last part is of partucular interest to one and all where he is talking about the Civil justice system rather than criminal justice. Plenty of points to throw at him (rather than the bricks he mentions). Don't bother to transcribe it, I have already done so.
Mauriace can apply for bail if he employs the services of a lawyer. So said judge Ella Rees. Maurice says this is blackmail (actually she is a white female). Maurice is attempting to find a lawyer with the help of Frank Werren.
Maurice's chief worry is that THEY are still trying to have him put in a high security prison hospital. THEY are using MAPPA to justify their actions. Below is an extract from the forward by Hilary Benn, to illustrate the point. THEY obviously think Maurice is a "potentially dangerous person". Perhaps THEY should be looking at THEMSELVES more closely - how many people have committed suicide because of banks and lawyers, how many lives ruined by the same duo?
THESE are the greatest dangers to us all.
by Hilary Benn MP, Parliamentary Under Secretary for Community
and Custodial Provision
Protecting the public from potentially dangerous offenders is a priority for us
The recent report by Lord Laming into the tragic death of Victoria Climbie
highlighted the importance for agencies, whose job it is to protect the public,
to work together. In many respects closer working has been the guiding
principle of the Multi Agency Public Protection Arrangements (MAPPA).
Created by the Criminal Justice and Court Services Act (2000), the
arrangements require police and probation to work together to manage the
risks posed by dangerous offenders in the community.
Okay Fame 97, I, no doubt ,like yourself and every other right minded 'reasonable man' so beloved by the courts system, will agree that the public need protection from the many nutcases that seem to abound in our modern society, but what on earth has this got to do with Maurice Kirks situation?
All that he did was to buy an old airplane, which came complete with a useless decommisioned ornament of a machine gun and retain the plane and then openly sell on the ornament
If there is no personal discrimination or victimisation or even a conspiracy, involving many, against Maurice by people who are abusing their positions of power, then why not are these self same people, be they lawyers and persecutors of whatever rank, expending their time and recources and energies in bringing to justice
a) the people who sold it to Maurice,
b) the people who bought it from Maurice.
Why is the law being abused by people in power who can be so selective against who they choose to victimise or let off the hook, if indeed any crime of any nature has been committed?
It stinks dunnit???
The reason for quoting Hilary Benn's introduction to MAPPA in relation to Maurice's plight is pecisely that, Maurice, and anyone else for that matter, perceived to be a "danger" to the public can and will be detained under MAPPA guidelines.
So be warned, this is just another tool with which to beat us.
I appears that the local kids have broken a lot of the windows in the house Maurice has for sale opposite the one you are trying to let in St Vran,there also seem to be candles on the window sill outside (upstairs) it might pay to get George Lush or Terry to check it out.
This is the blog Maurice sent to me on Friday 13th. Sorry if anything is lost in transcribing. BM8473 KIRK
HMP Cardiff
CF24 0UG
Cardiff County Court,
& Cardiff Crown Court,
South Wales. ` ` November 2009
Your Ref: CF101741
A fellow recidivist thought it useful for the taxpayer if I were to list a few HM documents to highlight the current squabble going on by these little brats in their well protected playgrounds.
23 July 2003. Leaked minute from HM Treasury Solicitor spending six years trying to get me certified as a “”vexatious litigant” from HM Attorney General’s orders.
23rd, 24th, 26th April, 8th May, 7th, 9th June, documents lodged by me with County Court in anticipation of trouble following Chief Constable’s erroneous sworn affidavit of the 25th February, denying knowledge of police incidents and court cases.
22nd June 2009. South Wales police custody record indicating Chief Constable’s lawyers obtaining my imprisonment only for the allegations/prosecution to be dropped (threats of criminal damage) once I was unable to preserve evidence.
22nd June 2009. Andrew Oliver (police solicitor) application notice setting out in 22 paragraphs my 15th June application for judicial revue hearing against HM Attorney General, Royal College of Veterinary Surgeons and South Wales police, who instigated the trouble in the first pace, in 1993. Oliver goes on to highlight my 18th June visit to South Wales Police HQ to do mutual exchange of witness statements and need to arrest the Chief Constable under the Fraud Act and many other laws.
8th July 2009. South Wales Police letter refusing any investigation or disclosure relating to my civil action or reason for my custody.
16th July 2009. John Smith MP to The Right Hon. Jack Straw MP, minister for Justice, reference complaint letter from my wife on the conditions under which I am being kept prisoner.
20th, 21st, 24th July & 23rd September 2009. County Court letters of His Honour Judge Seys-Llewellyn QC failed attempts to get me produced for my Kirk –v- Police damages claim.
22nd July 2009. South Wales police reply with reference to my Data Protection Act 1998 application re. 40 odd police incidents and current situation, subsequently blocked by the local courts, IPCC and Welsh Assembly.
27th July 2009. Consent form for my disclosure of my medical records to HM Prison is not reciprocated..
28th July 2009. Ministry of Justice appeal decision re. Prison failing to inform me of 16th July court hearing for bail.
30th July 2009. South Wales Police letter confirming receipt of my complaint from the Gloucestershire Police of 14th July 2009, back to the culprits, following their joint refusal now to investigate properly.
August. Has a host of civil and criminal courts of appeal applications re. bail and appeal from 15th June Royal Courts of Justice extended civil restraint order. In 2 years ECRO all my documentation shelved, buried or delayed etc.
August 2009. also contained attempts for judicial revue for bail following the lies by the CPS on 25th June 2009 and subsequent switching of ‘seller’ of the replica aircraft in 1997 to that of a ‘stranger’, the original owner (requiring police protection from my purported interference of witnesses!) having left the UK many years ago.
1st September 2009. Multi-Agency Public Protection Arrangements , MAPPA documents disclosing the conduct of South Wales Police and psychiatrists from HM Prison, Caswell Clinic, Bridgend and Metropolitan Police (Fixated Threat Assessment Centre) long before my 22nd June arrest and imprisonment, disclosing further evidence of long term ‘High Risk’ covert police surveillance used by Dr.Tegwyn Williams to draft his four, known about, psychiatric reports.
1st October 2009. Another MAPPA meeting by police, prison staff, social workers and psychiatrists etc. to discuss my continuing MAPPA status and attempts to have me sectioned, (Indeterminate Prison Sentence for Public Protection) under the 1964 Criminal Provisions (Insanity) Act. – the GULAG trump card.
5th October 2009. Data Protection Act form signed 2nd September by me, 4th September by Dr. Tegwyn Williams, returned as not accepted! The Nth attempt to make prison and Caswell Clinic disclose my medical records needed for a second opinion to stop the Dr.Tegwyn Williams recommendation
that I be further sectioned to a High Security psychiatric hospita,l despite no medication required, and he considers I am fit to plead,. as in his previous September report.
13th October 2009. HM Prison letter confirming the instigator from Whitehall, the Treasury solicitor’s department for HM Attorney General, all of whom featured so much in the Royal College of Veterinary Surgeons trial of 2002 when South Wales Police lodged false complaints to have my name removed from the veterinary register using erroneous criminal convictions repeatedly, yet again by Dr.Tegwyn Williams and Cardiff Crown Court to prolong my imprisonment.
13th October 2009. County Court letter discloses the Caswell Clinic’s 25th September 2009 view “we are still assessing whether Mr.Kirk would be in a position to attend court and would appreciate longer to address this issue”. No further assessment did take place, in my opinion, confirming my worst fears for an IPP/MAPPA class 3 status.
18th August, 13th & 26th October 2009. Office of Judicial Complaints letters and those of Joint Committee on Human Rights of House of Commons, 15 unanswered MP and AM letters, 80 odd letters and telephone calls by prison bail officer, my daughter, son and myself to solicitors for legal assistance. Independent Police Complaints Commission also playing games, making us go around and around in circles is nothing new to me, which is why I achieve some pleasure, at least, in exposing the evilness of Great Britain’s so called democratic judicial system whenever the opportunity may arise.
Six Cardiff Crown Court judges, 11 psychiatrists, 2 psychologists and a score and 20 lawyers have all contributed to my continuing internment without trial.
I am still denied my medical records with a letter in the post yesterday by a solicitor offering to ‘have a go’ for a mere £7,500 up front!
It appears as if those who instigated and who thus have a vested 'risk managment' interest in the 'Criminal' case against Mr Kirk certainly are scraping the depths and bottom of the Barrel.
Perhaps they have shot themselves in the foot so to speak?
"Risk Management" - is all about managing the 'Insurance liabilities' of those who have erred in law - it is not about justice - it is about minimising financial detriment.
When a lawyer errs in law, his and all other (even if opposing) lawyers' first duties under the overriding objective and under various memorandums of understandings is to limit the liability of any possible payout from the main Corporate Insurer.
Aside of the above the only other way out; is for the prosecution (who have been handed the poisoned chalice) to "build, construct, manufacture and create" a case against the individual, so much so; that the truth (failures and errings of the instigators) is buried below a mountain of documentary and evidential drivel.
Will a properly qualified judge sitting as a fair and impartial adjudicator be able or minded to unravel; that irrespective of the 'after the fact' and additional numerous attempts to obtain condemning psychiatric reports thrown at Mr Kirk - not one of them ought to be admissable. Especially the secret one produced in another jurisdiction - for other purposes.
One of the most glaring mistakes in Mr Kirk's case
is that of the 'timeline' surrounding the decision to 'arrest' Mr Kirk - but moreover whether that decision was correct; or a knee-jerk reaction perpetrated at a very convienent time.
Count 1 states:- "Possessing a weapon, contrary to section 5(1)(a) of the Firearms act 1968" and then goes on to particularise the offence. Where is the word 'alleged' it does not seem to be present?
Adversarial and Inquisitorial jurisdictions seem to
.... MJK between 1st of January 2008 [JAN 2008!!!] and 23 June 2009 ... [That's a period of 18 months!!!] ... had in his possession .... machine gun.... so designed .... that two or more missiles could be ....
There's that ambiguous word again - "COULD".
So here's the rub - For some eighteen months the plod must have had some suspicions - it's part of their particulars of the offence - yet for eighteen months they did nothing. And why was that?
So rather than make proper enquiries as to whether or not the gun had been adapted or not - plod; out of the blue 'swooped' to arrest Mr Kirk in June of 2009.
A proper plod would have made proper enquiries and might even have ascertained if the gun had actually been adapted. This plod seem to have failed to approach Mr Kirk in a proportionate, fair and reasonable manner to ask him about the gun and or to give him an opportunity to rebut their allegations.
Perhaps the whole case was 'created on the spur of the moment' and in a desperate haste for some other reason or matter of timing. Somoene perhaps just didn't want to act in a civil manner?
The timing of the arrest - seems more than uncanny and as for count 2 of selling or transferring the weapon .... it falls away with the rest of the other counts when the plod cannot now prove that they have not in the interim period adapted or tampered with the gun so as to make their case. Seems they might try and bluff past that one.
Had the gun ever been adapted - the plod were under a duty to arrest at such a time. They didn't
because it had not been adapted. This case has been made up on the hoof and on the flimsiest of logical sense.
The case against Mr Kirk is further damned because as per count 2 the plod also should not have allowed the gun to be sold on - if indeed it had been adapted.
The charge of abandonment of duty is duly put against the plod - and if they knew for a fact that the gun 'had been adapted' - they subsequently erred when they knowingly allowed the gun to be
sold on.
Example - Matrix Churchill - the big gun barrel case, forged here for Saddam over there.
As for count 3 Re: The Proceeds of Crime Act 2002 - Mr Oliver twist and his partnerships of clients ought to make themselves aware of The Fraud Act 2006.
Leaving aside the bunch of counts etc as above as being ridiculous and ludicrous.
Having shot themselves in the foot, plod then had to resort (The last resort) to that old Soviet trick. The Psychiatric smear job.
So far several favours seem to have been forthcoming from several affiliated partnerships in the Psychiatric world. (not to forget the MAPPA mob) Several have earned their fees - but what for - they failed miserably?
As for the old chestnut "without fear or favour" - you the reader decide for yourself where justice lies.
Let's be having sight of what was produced in the USA - otherwise any mention or reference / inference to it; is a 'no, no' as any judge acting in accordance with the law and acting without fear or favour here, must know.
The mere fact that the secret report from the USA has already been mentioned further damns an already damned case - and even if it does go to the Court of Appeal.
One seriously has to question whether or not the Court in this matter can sit back and not have the Criminal Justice system brought further into disrepute and further mocked.
Somebody needs to be severely rebuked for having the brevity to bring such a calamity into the courts.
Finally - please someone - where is Mr Kirk's new prison number - the one that every prisoner is supposedly now given for life - or isn't the prison system working?
"CLEAR PROP!"aganda - must fly.
Maurice Kirk,,
CF24 0UG.
Nigel Rees,
MAPPA Manager Co-ordinator,
Public Prosecution Dept.,
South Wales Police Headquarters,
Bridgend CF31 3SU. 23 NOV 09
Dear Sir,
Level 3 MAPPA Classification.
I am Intrigued to know just how you arrived at my name ever being considered for a weekly discussion around a table in the very same building as my defendant, the Chief Constable of South Wales police force?
As long ago as 1993, when I instructed lawyers to sue for damages, I asked your current member of the South Wales police authority, who took a personal interest, as she was the Ca.r.. Councillor for Cardiff council, and one of my veterinary clients, as to how and why Police sergeant Rowe, Anthony Gafael and Alison Genner (daughter of Police Inspector) smashed their way into my Cardiff surgery using a sledge hammer and police issue crowbar.
Barbara Wilding’s 25th Feb 09 sworn affidavit states that she has no knowledge of the case. Is the situation the same today?
Does she still deny knowledge of court cases referred to in her statement and the identity and home addresses, for service of some 100 or so retired police officers needed as witnesses in January?
I apply for disclosure from you, under whatever law as to your knowledge and control of the evidence needed for Barry Magistrates, Cardiff County Court (CF101741), Royal Court Of Justice Royal College of Veterinary Surgeons Appeal (CO/397/2008) and your latest fairy tale nonsense at Cardiff Crown Court (T20097445)
I apply also under the Data Protection Act and Freedom of Information Act for disclosure of information referred to in my 4th October 2008 letter to Barry Police Station identifying a sample of police incidents for starters, to indicate not just to the South Wales taxpayer alone but also to all taxpayers in the United Kingdom.
I apply for the full record of all MAPPA meetings referring to me, for release of prison, police and civilian video obtained whilst I have been in custody, needed for court, and information that led to my aborted arrest on Sunday 21st June 2009 and why ammunition, relevant to my custody, was left at my home by the South W ales police?
I have been denied access to lawyers and vital prison facilities whilst in custody, a string of Cardiff judges have ridiculed the name of British justice, all frantic to rely on their 10th and 11th psychiatrist reports to get me put away for an indeterminate prison sentence.
All of this information is required for my bail application and private prosecutions.
Yours faithfully,
Maurice phoned me to put up the following blog, sorry if there are errors!
Christers formal complaint 20th November 2009.
I am arranging for two United States psychiatrists to examine me for a bail application on 2nd December 2009. Today (20th November 2009) I am, again refused all 12 psychiatric reports that are now in everybody else’s hands but mine.
The prison wing governor said this morning, he would accept no faxes from Carswell psychiatric hospital or the Princess of Wales hospital National Health Trust as they will be shredded.
As a level 3 highest level MAPPA – (Multi-Agency Public Protection Arrangements) terrorist classification, both unrepresented and unconvicted prisoner with my Data Protection Act payment havingbeen made back in September, I am entitled to my medical records, and an independent medical examination following the forced injection of a radio-isotope into my brain..
A letter from Maurice arrived on Tuesday 08/12/09 in which he asked me to put the following on his website.
Maurice Kirk
HM Prison Cardiff
03 DEC09
Nearly 6 months ago I was gaoled for being “in possession” of an antique machine gun, it having been offered for sale years ago whilst attached to a replica world war 2 de Havilland biplane used at airshows.
This week I discovered the South Wales police have had me under covert surveillance for years, in the highest category of “risk” – level 3 of MAPPA (Multi Agency Public Protection Arrangements of the South Wales police.
“MAPPA was set up directly as a terrorist monitoring agency and not as
a weapon to be used against honest English folk.” Added by PT-J
This appears to be a repeat procedure enacted between 1992 to 2009 when, as` complainants, they had my name removed from the veterinary register.
The civil trial for damages from that police harassment is due to start on the 10th of January 2010 requiring a three figure number of witnesses.
It is therefore not that surprising to some for the South Wales police to have arranged my imprisonment for an inordinate length of time and relying on:
1) 1968 Firearms Act and Bail Act
2) 1964 Criminal Procedures (sanity) Act for a high security hospital confinement.
3) 2000 Terrorism Act
4) An IPP, their favoured option, now that the 12th psychiatrist has confirmed my legal right to stand trial (imprisonment for public protection).
In the meantime the civil damages for false imprisonment has caused the South Wales police to deny knowledge of court cases and police incidents having ever taken place, supported by an erroneous 25th February sworn affidavit by the Chief Constable. This in turn has led to a private criminal prosecution under the 1972 Criminal Law Act, conspiracy to do acts tending to corrupt morals or outrage public decency, due again, in Cardiff magistrates on 11th December 09.
But 2nd December Crown Court hearing quashed anyones current attempt to have me locked away under the Mental Health Act. The 12th psychiatrist at least, we are made to believe, stated I was suffering from no mental disorder to prevent me entering a plea or defend myself for trial on 17th December.
Despite yet another extended civil restraining order on me since 15th June to protect the Royal College of Veterinary Surgeons, South Wales police and HM Attorney General, I appear to have obtained, on 27th November 09, £50,360 judgement against my HM governor. This will be attached to tomorrow’s daily applications on ‘F’ wing for my canteen.
Maurice Kirk,
Dear Mr.Kirk
Re Your letter dated 17.11.09
MAPPA is not an official body but a set of arrangements that exist to assess and manage the risks posed by offenders. It therefore does not have the authority to disclose the information you request.
Application for the disclosure of specific information should be made to the relevant agency.
You will be notified on each occasion you(r) situation has been discussed under MAPPA.
The most recent meeting (Level 3) occurred on 23/11/09.
Yours sincerely,
Nigel Rees, MAPPA Co-ordinator
Public Protection Department
South Wales Police Headquarters
Cowbridge Road
CF31 3SU
the one per cent are allways attacked by the system ive had it all my life the other 99 per cent are blindly controlled good luck maurice
Whats the latest News ?
I dont have any other contact details apart from it advertising this website at the rear. Me being a nobel citizen wanted to try to alert its owner.
I hope it doesnt get crushed! Its a nice car and would buy it :D
npoate (@) hotmail . com
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