SO what is new under the sun? My twenty year running three month civil damage trial, for police bullying, trundles on again this week portraying my general incompetence and serious loss of 'short term memory'. I am, simply, far too old and tired for regurgitating the police's scandalous day...
Friday 5th April (Apologies my site has been invaded by alien links).......working on it This morning, in Cardiff Civil Justice Centre we started what is to become protracted legal arguement over current and future planned publication, on this website, of the day of the apparent cavalier behaviour of...
I am in Cardiff Civil Justice Centre court tomorrow at 10. 30am fighting a three month trial of 20 years of police bullying. I will pay cash for its immediate return one black Toshiba lap top , I think, 'NO QUESTIONS ASKED', no one else involved. Please tel 07907937953
Witnesses for Week 4 Cardiff Civil Justice Centre 3rd April 13 10.30 STOP PRESS Queens Council for the Chief Constable of the South Wales Police will apply on Wednesday, 3rd April, to block this video from being shown to the trial judge, His Honour Judge Seys Lewellin QC, EXACTLY as they succeeded in...
Divorce proceedings commenced the minute the South Wales Police launched 'Operation Chalice' , being twenty or so police, some armed, surrounding our home while we were peacefully sipping tea in the front garden, as an armed police helicopter hovered overhead. Once the hand cuffs clicked on and...
The day may start with the police attempting to block still further disclosure of essential evidence of 20 years of extreme bullying and inactivity when I was in trouble. The following video clip, from their own over head Newport Road, Cardiffm camera, filmed at the time of the so described 'high...
I woke up at 4am, to day and realised the very real risk of a repeat performance, with Norman Scarth and myself videoed in the Royal Courts of Justice court, before Lord Justice Moses, over my appeal to my imprisonment after reminding the then Recorder of Cardiff, upon my acquittal over a WW1 Lewis machine...
12 th day seemed to be taken up arguing about what cannot go up on my website.....interesting when you think that there is 100% silence by the Welsh press with the this order being handed down preventing me from publishing startling documents from Leighton Hill, the force solicitor about Barbara Wilding...