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AN E-MAIL WITH NO RESPONSE FAO Mr Justice Morgan 6 th June 2013 12.02pm FAO Hearings Cardiff County Court BS614159 22nd & 23rd May2013 Claimant Position Statements Ruling Further to my visit to the court to collect the 'by Tuesday' ruling, promised at the last day of the hearing, l have telephoned...
Monday 13th 10.30am START of MY WITNESSES GIVING EVIDENCE that should be quite entertaining for the 'uninitiated' and 'misinformed' as to what really goes on, nowadays, in our British law courts so seriously affected by 10 years of 'Blair' rule IN THE CARDIFF COUNTY COURT BETWEEN...
I woke up at 4am, to day and realised the very real risk of a repeat performance, with Norman Scarth and myself videoed in the Royal Courts of Justice court, before Lord Justice Moses, over my appeal to my imprisonment after reminding the then Recorder of Cardiff, upon my acquittal over a WW1 Lewis machine... 14th March 13 Lord Leveson & Mr Justices Criminal Court of Appeal @ Cardiff Crown Court To consider: T20120090 - Kirk - proc from 10.40 - 12.26 - 04.05.12.pdf A Four year campaign, instigated by then Chief Constable...