It's not dated, this letter, but it arrived on 15th February - in a very torn envelope - with other documents dated 1st February 2014: WHY I AM ON HUNGER STRIKE: Cardiff Court and prison conditions are, putting it bluntly, an abuse of process. 3rd May 2012 Cown Court (Breach of Restraining Order...
Maurice uses his time in prison since 14 th October to demand rights for litigants in person, especially when they are falsely imprisoned. I experienced exactly the same restrictions with the Musas and with Melissa Laird when I visited them in their respective prisons: the ‘gravy train system' expects...
Despite the tube strike I made it to the right train. In Cardiff we hand delivered two letters from Maurice - to the CPS (Crown Prosecution Service) and HHJ Rowlands at the Crown Court. I want to understand procedures and 'due process'. One of his questions to the CPS: how come I've become...
Maurice's case was further adjourned today by Judge Bidder to sometime next week. Maurice had argued that the case was being brought to stop Judge Seyss Llewellyn from giving judgment in his civil case against Sth Wales Police, and he had shown that he had been persecuted by the police, especially...