Went up  to London on the motor bike yesterday to the Royal Courts of Justice in order to serve a  writ on  the HM Solicitor General for the Home Secretary and him conspiring try have me certified as a 'vexatious litigant' and refusing to pay the £15,360 [Claim no. 8CF02269] awarded to me by the Cardiff court for the 5th Action for false imprisonment, the previous 4 still smouldering in the bowels of Cardiff's judiciary for fear of the publicity. Either the Royal College of Veterinary Surgeons [ RCVS] applied for a 'vexatious litigation' action or the South Wales Police? now I wonder which?......answers on a post card...

I also went to London to see the RCVS and find out why they are still delaying my 6th application to 'practice veterinary surgery' but I am not even allowed in the building!

I  also visited the CAA in Kinsway to hurry them along in re issuing my pilot's licence now I have passed the relevant flight ande ground tests they were minded to through at me.

Took the opportunity to see my Chaffinch aircraft in Winchester, only one in the world, Reg G-KIRC, to ask why that permit is also being delayed for so long?

Met the remaining boys on the double decker London 'Battle Bus' from their 'family court' march blocked by the police on the outskirts of London and disbanded following threats by the authorities of prosecution if they neared the Royal Courts of Justice.

(I think someone in central London is in for a shock later this year)

 BUT now, tonite, the RCVS have sent me the transcript of the latest farsical Judicial Review Application in the Royal Courts of Justice with a judge clearly desperate to cover up lawyer FRAUD ...his name is on Downloads, at the bottom in the gutter but who asked for this transcript in the first place and guess who's paying?