A few days in Brittany while the RCVS appear to continue to delay my 6th application to be allowed to practice veterinary surgery. Having sorted out holiday makers in the cottages we are then off to the coast for a swim and collect oysters and boulot? off the beach. Then it was on to Lamballe to the spectacular horse show in the pouring rain. The resident comic was towed at speed in Cossack dress behind a very fast pony on his skis while the chariots of yester year sprayed us with mud in their flurry around the arena pulled by beatifully tacked out horses. The dancing horse on the piano and 5 Bretons on a string will never be forgotten.

Then, to incredible live music in the town square, the usual meal of local moule followed by wild boar, off the spit, washed down with Breton cider and a little Calva.

Next day, following a quiet word in the village auberge, while out on the ‘61 Enfield morcycle, we track down, deep in the country lanes, the ultimate transport for the district, a ‘61 Citroen Deux Cheveaux. She was all covered in dust in the barn with the chickens, she having not seen the road for at least a decade......all we need now is a name for her?

Tomorrow I fly with the CAA .....but that is another story

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