-at hk (ed - Hong Kong) airport on free email system 15 min time limit. mobile fone nbg (ed - no bloody good)vodafone nbg. spent 2 hours on the fone with vodafone at heathrow still no good.
arrive hk nobody has ever heard of vodafone now bought an erricksonn but i need vodafone or orange systen in uk and ID and password, the card I got in Cardiff may not be world wide!
way forward is to getfrom kirstie as reg user the ID and Password for chip in my mobile as it is world roamer and it worked in Australia last Dec.
arrive darwin local time midnight via melbourn (in melbourn for 10 hour waiting for a/c)
radio mikes fantastic should have got 2
cannot get email to send fotos as it is only for recieve /send text will try
in melbourn in 12 hrs if time will send 2 e- mails tonight