Up at 6am to London on bus pass. First, Chinese Embassy with 80 people in the queue and protester opposite. Meet great guy with great beard who takes you through northern Pakistan in Jeeps for Safari to China…. Jeetrek@kjti.freeserve.co.uk.
Mobile goes flat and new Carburettor now lost in Aussie post and 7 days to go! Get in to Embassy 7 minutes from closing. At mid day back on Thursday for Vietnam, Chinese and Indonesian collection…too late for Cambodia and Laos...hopefully on border
Must find Brit in China for an address I am suppose to be visiting. Now on tube, man collapsed and going blue, if not black, in the face. I am dragged off by angry crowd who say I am trying to kill him! Whether it was a fit or not he needed clear airways and oxygen to the brain pdq or we had a corpse. Robby, a Slovak, survived.
On to Indonesian embassy and cannot find passport…after emptying pockets, rucksack, remember left with Chinese Embassy! Stop to talk to Ike in Grovenor Square outside the completely cordoned off American Embassy, as he did send my cub to War. Well armed Police looked at me with suspicion as I assembled a number of aluminium tubes upon which to rest my cameras but one, Craig, said he had not even seen “Day of the Jackal”.
Start calculating route though Indochina on new GPS.to keep me thinking it really is going to happen next week.
Up until 2am labelling photos in gallery on the site then to phone Australia, as they are awake.