Breed of cow down the road?

I drop gen off to try 2 daysof school.....loved it!

George, a Jersey equivalent to why the "Toilers of the Sea "chappie suffered 16 years in Guernsey, mentions a caravan to go.

Bought in minutes, blind, we are round in the "rope guided ford", rather like a camel, to tow her to the lake.

Fishing holidays for houses and caravan advertised now on site within hours of purchase .

Due at court in Loudeac for 2pm but our extended lunch of sea food, the likes I have never seen before, despite my experience, took precident over the eviction of a tenant ,squatting in a shack, next to the lake.

But I still went to Court just to see how it compared. Same old devious games by advocates.... designed just like your typical British Court one in the public gallery can hear a damned thing....perish the thought if they did!

Barbeque is called for..... being first to buy charcoal at the local store this year and loaded with fat legs of fresh "poulet" and belly pork, a few bottles of locally made cider and we are off. I amuse Gen by calling over the first Cuckoo not realising my calls,mainly for stalking pigeon with a rifle, caused a plague, or equiv.word, of at least 4 or 5 Tawny owls screaching for the rest of the night,,,,fantastic!

Up at 7 to catch the boat and our horses have arrived. for next season's hunting. To think, we leave all this wild life around us just to go back to Wales and a world of bent lawyers, before Vietnam by needed little for me to stay!

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