Awakened by the 7 am church bell after a night long into the small hours, of sorting out the cameras, projector and laptop. A bag of spaghetti, in the form of numerous tangled leads and cables are now at last into separate piles. Now what on earth are they all for?

I have instruction books strewn every where as I toil away, having forgotten how to edit, move, store or plain delete movie and still digital records since I did it for the New Zealand leg of the journey. It was so much easier in the old days; an old bellows camera and a few rolls of black and white film, to be turned into the chemist on your return!

There’s two inches of snow on the ground and I’ve just bought a new toy, a chainsaw engine. The birthday dinners start on Friday and will go on right through to Sunday night so, it is out of bed, cut the logs, visit 2 restaurants and the hotel with the final numbers crossing the English Channel.

Then it is back to the UK to shuffle a few court papers on my Judicial review against the RCVS, pick up a booster Rabies and Typhoid shot, order the Malaria pills, sell an aircraft, block a repossession order on my house by Nation Wide and fight it in court.

Three hours later - Change of plan, now stuck in snow drift without a jack handle!

  1. Old abandoned chariot down the road.
  2. The counter at the local bakery.

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