You may be wondering why this site has gone quiet?

It is because I have had to return to the UK to fight for my right to practice as a veterinary surgeon and try and raise money for the onward journey by giving talks around the country and to sell my remaining aircraft.

The plan is to become further involved with the Bear Charities, including Koala, on my route from Australia, China, Russia, Canada and, of course, the US. Hence the need for College Membership.

I have been denied the Right to Practice, contrary to the Human Rights Act, the details of which are on my other site.

I appear in the Royal Courts of Justice on the 9th February on an argument, shortly to be displayed on the other site. The outcome of the Hearing may well be published on the 8th or next week..

Your support, in any way, would be gratefully appreciated as they cannot stand truth and there is a temporary lull in their control over private web sites here in the UK.

I am hoping to fly the cub to Melbourne’s Air Show on 15th March from Darwin (if I don’t get lost like last time in the Northern Territory in 2001!). Both sites will have a lot more material to read, very shortly, with a new somewhat controversial site dedicated to the publication of the uncontrolled world of specific lawyers I have had the unpleasant experience of having to meet.


Battle Wagon outside Cardiff Crown Court.