Today an enigmatic message to my office at 18.00 hrs relayed by our secretary "Tell my beloved that I'm going to bed and that I'm now known as 'BCL' (Below Camel Level)."

Well BCL rang later and caught me driving home from work. Another easy day today. Flying over the mountains of Oman was breathtaking - spectacular rather than scary I think. There was time for a little sightseeing by coach - I dare you to imagine BCL as a tourist. My only previous experience of BCL on a coach (in Egypt) was not a happy one.

It's quite a long leg tomorrow with 500m over the Indian Ocean. Maurice tells me that he will be flying delta - charlie - tango which means no radio contact for 500 miles. As I said yesterday, he would not like to think that I'm not worrying about him.

No mention of the oil leak today.This means one of three things (i) it's better (unlikely) (ii) he doesn't want to worry me (possible) (iii) he would rather not think about it (quite possible).

This is the first bit that I am worried about - a lot of water to cross which with G-KIRK's limited endurance which does not give many options. Will report more tomorrow evening when I hear from M (I hope).

KK (m's wife)