In Nigeria, ordinary people, Parliament and Senate campaign to get the Musa family reunited, after Haringey Police kidnapped their six children - the youngest baby even in a hospital outside their borough. Lately, they also showed up in yet another borough where the Musas moved to. Here, Bradford Police...
Imagine the scene ... the old fashion environment that the legal trad are determined to kill, [jury and lay magistratyes] two lay magistrates in Haringey, of all places, listening to a CPS guy frANTIC TO HAVE ME LOCKE AWAY FOR LIFE. So what does he have? ................... I have been arrested for conspiracy...
I have just been released from police cells only to be admitted into hospital for abdominal investigations. I enclose part of what I think is going on by the part prepared affidavit below. This is only my current draft preparation for a final sworn affidavit, when I am well enough, to account for my...
I took this photo on the 18th August 2011 just to indicate to the 'Doubting Thomases', in South Wales, the lengths, the money, your money, the South Wales Police are prepared go just to 'get their man'. The replica gun was seized by police when the magazine was, the court were told, black...
In the next hour I am publishing the situation in the UK, as I see it, I hasten to add, of just how people like Norman Scarth RN Rtd with an excessive prison sentence and totally frustrated as to how the criminals in our courts are so protected by Royal Charters , the Musa family with six children stolen...
JUST one of several very deceitful Cardiff Judges playing the 'Race Card'
Forget our thoroughly corrupt legal trade and use Common Law to seek 'justice', (yet another ill conceived man-made concept)
So just who has the bottle to stop the threat of just so many aliens entering our country?
Part of e-mail around the world Dear Julia, Norman has a real risk of experiencing what Dr Tegwyn Williams did for me, on behalf of the South Wales Police, to kill me off. Now please listen: Leeds Authorities, managed from Whitehall, will do a similar tactic to what Dr Tegwyn Williams did to me, below...
HELP NORMAN CAMPAIGN Prison Number A1903 CF Video: A Den of Evil - Maurice Kirk & Norman Scarth in court 28/6/2011 World War 2 veteran, of HMS Standfast sinking of the Scharnhorst and campaigner against the corruption in English and Welsh Judicial System, that is now rife and where the General Public...
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