MY BRIEF EXPLANATION FOR WELSH AUTHORITIES NHS & MAPPA EXTREME CONDUCT Associated videos to this epic 'Flight to Australia', 'without a map', suffering 'significant brain damage' and suspect brain tumour, led to the unlawful sectioning, under the 1983 Mental Health Act, of...
But I wasn't there was I? The judgment of today's JR hearing, written some weeks ago, had not allowed for my absence due to ill health. But who cares? Three things you can rely...
Anarchy is just around the corner. Arms in the hands of citizens may be used at individual discretion... in private self-defense. John Adams And what did Lord Denning say? “ Whoever may be guilty of abuse of power, be it Government, State, Employer, Trade Union or whoever, the law must provide a speedy...
A sample of just how deceitful Cardiff HM courts can be, when immune to prosecution and getting help from old clients, nameless sympathisers hidden away in numerous police stations and dingy court offices around the Vale of Glamorgan. Note the interference, to prejudice my right to go to law, even before...
Well, well, surprise, surprise! I have won, now, at least seven Cardiff Crown Court prosecutions and am yet to be awarded even my bus confirms it in writing.