This individual with the South Wales Police gave evidence, on oath, before the Royal College of Veterinary Surgeons. My name was then removed from the veterinary register, effectively, for life. This individual also had possession of my cub, for a short time, the one I flew to Australia and Japan before...
Many of the members of the veterinary profession and lawyers, across the world, also knowing all the circumstances, were confident that this extreme and unusual conduct by the Royal College of Veterinary Surgeons would, eventually, have been rectified by the ‘rule of law' before Her Majesty's...
Maurice thinks of his old mate, of RAFVR Bristol Air Squadron days who invited him to display his replica DH 2 WW1 fighter biplane, test pilot of 002 Concorde, Brian Trubshaw., at the 2000 Farnborough airshow sporting a WW1 Lewis machine gun! Maurice will sleep much better tonight now he has declared...