SO what is new under the sun? My twenty year running three month civil damage trial, for police bullying, trundles on again this week portraying my general incompetence and serious loss of 'short term memory'. I am, simply, far too old and tired for regurgitating the police's scandalous day...
I am in Cardiff Civil Justice Centre court tomorrow at 10. 30am fighting a three month trial of 20 years of police bullying. I will pay cash for its immediate return one black Toshiba lap top , I think, 'NO QUESTIONS ASKED', no one else involved. Please tel 07907937953
Witnesses for Week 4 Cardiff Civil Justice Centre 3rd April 13 10.30 STOP PRESS Queens Council for the Chief Constable of the South Wales Police will apply on Wednesday, 3rd April, to block this video from being shown to the trial judge, His Honour Judge Seys Lewellin QC, EXACTLY as they succeeded in...
The day may start with the police attempting to block still further disclosure of essential evidence of 20 years of extreme bullying and inactivity when I was in trouble. The following video clip, from their own over head Newport Road, Cardiffm camera, filmed at the time of the so described 'high...
Maurice Refused a Jury Maurice Kirk v South Wales Police BS 614159 11 th Day Monday 4 th March13 Claimant Position Statement Applications for Consideration 1. Defendant ordered, to be produced today , the 27 written complaints, as a written list, currently in possession of Defendant and referred to by...
12 07 26 Criminal Court of Appeal Criminal Court of Appeal ref.pdf Is this a dagger which I see before me? 11 12 01 RO CPS Draft.pdf Handed to us in the dock of Cardiff Crown Court by this CPS barrister admitting there was yet another, the one over scribbled by District Judge John Charles in the full...