much more shortly In the mean time: Dolmans, solicitors BS6141159‐MC 65 Cardiff CF204141, CF101741 7CF07345, 8CF0226 ‘Machine gun', MAPPA, Rogue Doctor and ‘Breach of Restraining Order' Damages Claims Kirk v South Wales Constabulary...
Downloads shortly of evidence Thousands of WANTED posters, DEAD or ALIVE and proof will be scattered by aircraft across Wales and the South of England in the coming months Manager Cardiff County Court 17th May 2011 Kirk v Dr Tegwyn Williams £800 claim for four futile visits to Caswell Clinic attempting...
FAO Area Managers, NHS, Talbot, South Wales 19th January 2011 Dear Mr Sissling, NHS Withheld Medical Records Hip Operation, on 20th January in France to go ahead, following late phone call from Morgan Cole ,solicitors, for NHS, saying, if my Welsh GP asks Mr David Sissling, NHS Area Manager, for South...
At last! But who is not holding his breath?