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I am in Cardiff Civil Justice Centre court tomorrow at 10. 30am fighting a three month trial of 20 years of police bullying. I will pay cash for its immediate return one black Toshiba lap top , I think, 'NO QUESTIONS ASKED', no one else involved. Please tel 07907937953
This is just typical of how I have been treated for more than 20 years in South Wales! BEATEN UP IN FULL VIEW OF OVERHEAD CAMERA These 5th April 2000 police are to be cross examined every day next week starting Wed 3rd April in Cardiff Civil Justice Centre at 10.30am. Police officers at the scene as...
JUDGMENT 14th March 2013 Criminal Court of Appeal, whilst sitting in Cardiff, refused Maurice Kirk both legal representation and clarificationion as to whether he had 'significant brain damage’ and 'possible' cancer reported to 2009 Cardiff Crown Court, by a South Wales police psychiatrist...
12 th day seemed to be taken up arguing about what cannot go up on my website.....interesting when you think that there is 100% silence by the Welsh press with the this order being handed down preventing me from publishing startling documents from Leighton Hill, the force solicitor about Barbara Wilding... 14th March 13 Lord Leveson & Mr Justices Criminal Court of Appeal @ Cardiff Crown Court To consider: T20120090 - Kirk - proc from 10.40 - 12.26 - 04.05.12.pdf A Four year campaign, instigated by then Chief Constable...
Had me locked up in cells below the court while part of the Cardiff cabal, with tape recorder deliberately switched off, tried to find a way of getting me jailed for life due to my civil proceedins against the South Wales Police Two transcripts will shortly attached to the poster for world wide circulation...
Money no object, time not importent, the Welsh HM court Service and Crown Court judges are determined to get their 0.45 kilo of flesh for my exposing the machine gun conspiracy, police attempt to have me shot and the Dr Tegwyn Williams (in the dep pockets of Southe Wales Police) fraudulant medical reports...
FAO Area Managers, NHS, Talbot, South Wales 19th January 2011 Dear Mr Sissling, NHS Withheld Medical Records Hip Operation, on 20th January in France to go ahead, following late phone call from Morgan Cole ,solicitors, for NHS, saying, if my Welsh GP asks Mr David Sissling, NHS Area Manager, for South...
At last! But who is not holding his breath?