A 'meeting of minds', yesterday, during a whole day in discussions with various MPs chairing each meeting, means further touble for the dishonest within our judicary. Invincible prejudice protecting those who work there, from criminal prosecutions, is now seriously under threat but mainly due...
MY BRIEF EXPLANATION FOR WELSH AUTHORITIES NHS & MAPPA EXTREME CONDUCT Associated videos to this epic 'Flight to Australia', 'without a map', suffering 'significant brain damage' and suspect brain tumour, led to the unlawful sectioning, under the 1983 Mental Health Act, of...
Please, anyone, have a quick look at the enclosed draft appeal to the Criminal Court of Appeal, London and suggest improvements as it has to be deposited there by this Friday's dead line. It is far too dangerous to enter Wales and deposit it at Cardiff Crown Court , as procedure dictates, because...
Criminal Charges Barbara Wilding, ex-Chief Constable of the South Wales Constabulary On a day between the 4th Day of October 2008 and 26 th Day of Feb 2009, in the Vale of Glamorgan, South Wales, with Adrian Oliver and other persons unknown, you did conspire to pervert the course of justice by the production...