Mobile does not work, GPRS does not work, I am yet to meet someone in Hong Kong who has ever heard the name Vodafone! Apart from a splendid fish supper in a back street, this has been yet another disasterous day! In the deserted departure lounge my swollen ankle gave in completely, I was too far from...
-at hk (ed - Hong Kong) airport on free email system 15 min time limit. mobile fone nbg (ed - no bloody good)vodafone nbg. spent 2 hours on the fone with vodafone at heathrow still no good. arrive hk nobody has ever heard of vodafone now bought an erricksonn but i need vodafone or orange systen in uk...
Somewhat exhausted I reached London Heathrow to book in early so I can repack camera manuals etc to hand luggage for reading on the aircraft. I declared as usual that the black case had a life raft and a CO2 cylinder. After kept waiting I am ordered to drag the offending luggage up to the other end of...