FAO Area Managers, NHS, Talbot, South Wales 19th January 2011 Dear Mr Sissling, NHS Withheld Medical Records Hip Operation, on 20th January in France to go ahead, following late phone call from Morgan Cole ,solicitors, for NHS, saying, if my Welsh GP asks Mr David Sissling, NHS Area Manager, for South...
Yet another Royal Charter organisation with all its outdated anomilies see download and 25th January House of Lords meeting The following 2nd letter was sent following my visit to my doctor for yet more morphine The British Psychology Society 13 th January 2011 2 nd letter Dear Sirs, Re Dr Tegwyn Williams...
A much fabricated false and misleading document written by South Wales Multi Agent collusion input following a favourable court application for disclosure of the monthly 2009 clandestine monthly meetings with police and psychiatric staff in Caswell Clinic
More French Asylum documents on downloads by 31st Dec