Statutory Instrument 2004 No. 1680

The Veterinary Surgeons and Veterinary Practitioners (Disciplinary Committee) (Procedure and Evidence) Rules Order of Council 2004

Restoration of Names after Removal

     20. Procedure

     20.1 An application to the Committee under section 18 of the Act, for the restoration of a name to the register or the early removal of a suspension of registration, shall be made in writing to the Clerk and shall set out the grounds for the application.

     20.2 The applicant may submit with his application any documentary evidence which he wishes to have drawn to the attention of the Committee in support of his application, including references.

     20.3 On receipt of an application to which this Rule applies, the application shall be listed for hearing within 3 months.

     20.4 The Clerk shall provide a copy of the application and supporting documentary evidence to the Solicitor.

     20.5 The Chairman and the Solicitor may invite the applicant to provide any further evidence, including evidence concerning the applicant's identity, character and conduct since his name was removed from the register.

     20.6 At the hearing of an application to which this Rule applies - 

(a) The applicant shall be entitled to address the Committee, and to adduce evidence and make submissions, in support of the application;

(b) The Solicitor shall be entitled to address the Committee, and to adduce evidence and make submissions, in opposition to the application.

     20.7 Subject to the foregoing provisions of this Rule, and to Part VI of these Rules, the procedure of the Committee in connection with the application shall be such as they may determine.

My following letter of July 2007 in reply to RCVS has, effectively, banned me for life. No other applicant has been subjected to these conditions.

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