Busy day for me, yesterday, in Parliament committee rooms- First there was 'child abuse' meeting and then 'whistle blower' almost a riot of over a hundred fearful followers and victims as persecuted 'whistle blowers'. Then, if not sublime to the ridiculous, in the very same room...
11 09 22 MUSA SNATCH KIDS BACK ORDER shr.pdf Where is magistrates court record of this court service in my cell then? Phone nbg try maurice@kirkflyingvet.com The jury asked for them and was refused and I asked for them, of course, as there is no record of any restraining order ever being served on me...
I am in Cardiff Civil Justice Centre court tomorrow at 10. 30am fighting a three month trial of 20 years of police bullying. I will pay cash for its immediate return one black Toshiba lap top , I think, 'NO QUESTIONS ASKED', no one else involved. Please tel 07907937953 maurice@kirkflyingvet.com...
This is just typical of how I have been treated for more than 20 years in South Wales! BEATEN UP IN FULL VIEW OF OVERHEAD CAMERA These 5th April 2000 police are to be cross examined every day next week starting Wed 3rd April in Cardiff Civil Justice Centre at 10.30am. Police officers at the scene as...
MY BRIEF EXPLANATION FOR WELSH AUTHORITIES NHS & MAPPA EXTREME CONDUCT Associated videos to this epic 'Flight to Australia', 'without a map', suffering 'significant brain damage' and suspect brain tumour, led to the unlawful sectioning, under the 1983 Mental Health Act, of...
MOST URGENT ******** Chambers Temple London 29th November 2012 Kirk v South Wales Police Dear Sam, Further to my phone calls each day I wish to confirm I still have no contact with my solicitor, instructed some 18 months or so ago, to consolidate my seven or nine actions against the local police re harassment...
1st Interview http://www.radio4all.net/index.php/program/56640 Download (bottom right orange button) Sabine McNeill's above 1st January 2012 interview with Tony Gosling on 93.2 FM Dialect Radio, Bristol. Skip the first 40 minutes of it into the weekly 2 o'clock Friday afternoon program when Sabine...
EXAMPLE ONE 09 09 30 INTERIM PSYCHIATRIC REPORT Oct1 2009 REDACTED.pdf This Caswell Clinic psychiatric report was used to keep me in prison for eight months, in 2009, destroying my marriage, prior to ‘machine gun' case when the police helicopter and armed police stormed our home to arrest me and...
Bristol Radio's FIRST Interview was this Friday at 2pm with the SECOND planned in about three weeks. Download Recording http://www.radio4all.net/index.php/program/63665 This site and radio broad cast are likely to also broad cast, shortly, the taped telephoned messages, I did not realise were being...
Can anyone out there help, please?