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13th October 2015 1st Dec 2011 Cardiff Magistrates Harassment Conviction Failed Disclosure contrary to Criminal Procedure Rules While I continue to scour the country for a solicitor, to accept instructions for simple disclosure of court records, I will list again what is needed to clear my name of six...
Breaking News ‘Breached’ Restraining Order never ever was served on their victim in the first place!--------- Their Lordships’ March 1013 judgment has been located to reveal, in paragraph 9, they were never aware of a ‘jury note’, as with the victim, specifically asking Judge Paul Thomas QC, on 4th May...
15 08 07 FOI app R.pdf CCRC give flat refusal, of course..........So can any one help me, please, put this into Europe and RCJ pantomime asap? 15 08 15 Even the Criminal Case Review Commission.docx
15 07 29 Fraud Complaint on line.docx I have reluctantly ordered the transcript in order for the world to see just who is lying and deceiving the court all instigated by the South Wales Police. Chief Constable.docx NEARLY SHOT I am on radio some time from 6pm onwards no doubt talking about this week...
15 07 17 Notaire brief.docx Does anyone wish to have their names? To be posted also on twitter and facebook if not expedited 1st response: Dear Mr Kirk Thank you for your email that was addressed to Glamorgan Law. I am the Notary Public. I regret to say that I will be unable to act for you in this matter... v=VNvQFlFy9Cs Infringement Notice 15 07 07 Alun Cairns MP.docx See Face Book,You Tube & petitions......BUT study the facts yourself
Busy day for me, yesterday, in Parliament committee rooms- First there was 'child abuse' meeting and then 'whistle blower' almost a riot of over a hundred fearful followers and victims as persecuted 'whistle blowers'. Then, if not sublime to the ridiculous, in the very same room...
Watch the Cardiff Cabal's continuing wickedness unfold to block my dream 1. Cardiff's Dark Forces 15 06 05 Dark Forces Update.pdf 2. South Wales Police Medical Negligence 15 04 30 Endoscopy report extract & summary.pdf 15 04 30 Endoscopy photos.doc 3....
15 05 29 CCRC Refusal to Disclose Clerk's Notes.pdf