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  • Maurice in Channel Islands for Talks

    Guernsey Monday 29th Nov, Alderney 30th November, Jersey 2nd Dec. Not the 'salty' sort, Jersey Friday, Guernsey Saturday, Alderney, Le 'Centre de l'Univers', Sunday, ...for the rest of my life, if I could fiddle it... Researching 'HM' Dependant Territory, Guernsey and its...

  • Piper Cub Lock Haven, USA Reunion

    I had this missive this morning to cheer me up.... Maurice: I returned to San Diego from Lock Haven on June 26th. I had been looking forward to seeing you (and your hat) there, but I guess that our *** wouldn't let you in. Too bad. What is your current status with our people? Will you ever be able...

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