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  • Another Frustrating Day in our Parliament Building

    Busy day for me, yesterday, in Parliament committee rooms- First there was 'child abuse' meeting and then 'whistle blower' almost a riot of over a hundred fearful followers and victims as persecuted 'whistle blowers'. Then, if not sublime to the ridiculous, in the very same room...

  • Emergency Application to His Honour Judge Seys Llewellyn QC

    13 07 28 Emergency Aplication re Maurice Kirk v South Wales Police BS614159.pdf 13 07 28 MJK Statement of Truth.pdf 13 07 29 MJK Statement.pdf Bristol Solicitor Instructions 13 07 30 MJK Instructions.pdf Let us not forget the lucrative child snatching industry, no doubt...

  • Hard Evidence per Rectum

    Is this a sample of things to come right across the Principality of Wales and then, UK? The ‘Cardiff Cabal' of deceitful key players has finally been promised sole control, their own judiciary, of their very own ‘gravy train' funded by YOU. Consider, please, the extreme lengths to which I, one...

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