The following Petition has been submitted to our new MP for the Vale of Glamorgan, Alun Cairns MP, following a very lively debate at our 25th January 2011 House of Commons meeting with both Members of the House of Lords and House of Commons in attendance, a committee room, I may say, STUFFED with Victims...
At last! But who is not holding his breath?
Yet another Royal Charter organisation with all its outdated anomilies see download and 25th January House of Lords meeting The following 2nd letter was sent following my visit to my doctor for yet more morphine The British Psychology Society 13 th January 2011 2 nd letter Dear Sirs, Re Dr Tegwyn Williams...
Dr Tegwyn Williams and Professor Roger Wood, both of South Wales, agreed to concoct a medical record on a remand prisoner, at the behest of South Wales Police in order to lock him away without trial. Anything to stop the ongoing civil action for damages, following eighteen years of malicious prosecutions...