Anarchy is just around the corner. Arms in the hands of citizens may be used at individual discretion... in private self-defense. John Adams And what did Lord Denning say? “ Whoever may be guilty of abuse of power, be it Government, State, Employer, Trade Union or whoever, the law must provide a speedy...
Dr Tegwyn Williams refuses to clarify the significant brain damage and possible brain tumour in past patient.....see download
A brief summary of 20 years of an English veterinary surgeon's life under the Tyranny of the South Wales Authorities now obtaining asylum in France
Yet another Royal Charter organisation with all its outdated anomilies see download and 25th January House of Lords meeting The following 2nd letter was sent following my visit to my doctor for yet more morphine The British Psychology Society 13 th January 2011 2 nd letter Dear Sirs, Re Dr Tegwyn Williams...