Breaking News ‘Breached’ Restraining Order never ever was served on their victim in the first place!--------- Their Lordships’ March 1013 judgment has been located to reveal, in paragraph 9, they were never aware of a ‘jury note’, as with the victim, specifically asking Judge Paul Thomas QC, on 4th May... v=VNvQFlFy9Cs Infringement Notice 15 07 07 Alun Cairns MP.docx See Face Book,You Tube & petitions......BUT study the facts yourself
On the positive side, somebody high up has ordered South Wales Police to return his legal papers Tottenham Police Station and Cardiff Central Station are ordered to hand over everything concerning him South Wales Police' Solicitors have sent a judgement dated 25th July 2011 concerning the release...
On September 28th, Maurice refused to leave his prison cell. Hence he will be on videolink on 5th October and we expect he will seize the opportunity of talking about the utter criminality of Haringey Council, Police, Social Services, Solicitors & Barristers, as they collude in covering up the disappearance...