Just the first page as a sample of a cleverly 4 page redacted and re-written 2010 letter, first written in September 2009, following Drs Tegwyn Williams and Professor Roger Wood's failure, on 2nd December 2009, when they presented, in the absence of Maurice, locked up below, their false account to...
Well, well, surprise, surprise! I have won, now, at least seven Cardiff Crown Court prosecutions and am yet to be awarded even my bus fares...download confirms it in writing.
This recently obtained report (changing doctors) and his three previous 'interim' psychiatric reports, on downloads, must have all been before both CPS and His Honour Judge Bidder QC on 2nd and 17th Dec 09 when Williams told him, while the prisoner, unrepresented, is locked up below. Kirk had...
In my November 09 bail application, while posing as a barrister, Frank Werren waxes eloquant from the well of the court. We heard none of it, of course, due to the deliberate acoustics of Cardiff Crown Court. Neither the defendant in the dock nor the audience in the front stalls, both considered irrelevant...
THE RECORDER OF CARDIFF --------------- R E G I N A - v - MAURICE KIRK --------------- MR R TWOMLOW appeared for the Prosecution. The Defendant appeared in person --------------- PLEA AND CASE MANAGEMENT HEARING 1st October 2009
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