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  • Reunited With His Little Aircraft

    Good morning. I spoke to M yesterday who confirmed that he had been released. He was planning to fly his little aircraft to stay with friends prior to his return - expecting to be here in UK early next week. I am humbled by the many kind messages and offers of help that I have received. Most have responded...

  • One Flew the Cukoo's Nest

    Hello M has been told that he will be released tomorrow morning. This has been confirmed as being the understanding of the consulate representative helping him. He is expected to be released at 10 or 11 o'clock local time to local police in order that his belongings can be returned and then taken...

  • In Front of the Judge Wednesday

    Good morning I haven’t spoken to M as there seems to be a problem with our landline – lots of buzzing and whirring and intermittent stops (probably overhanging branches). He has left a very brief message on my mobile phone. It sounds as though the situation is becoming more serious – if I am reading...

  • Psychiatric Update

    Hello M telephoned again this pm. He sounded a little more cheerful but is audibly distressed at some of the cases that he is seeing. He is v worried about the little aircraft as he heard bad weather last night and just hopes that it was tied down as he requested. Let's hope that he requested politely...

  • One flew Over the Cuckoo’s Nest

    Good evening. A very rattled M telephoned this evening at approximately 8pm. He is being held (in handcuffs) in the Psychiatric Department of Austin State Hospital which I understand (from its website) to be a psychiatric hospital only. At approx 5pm local time yesterday M landed 'outside' the...

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