Breaking News ‘Breached’ Restraining Order never ever was served on their victim in the first place!--------- Their Lordships’ March 1013 judgment has been located to reveal, in paragraph 9, they were never aware of a ‘jury note’, as with the victim, specifically asking Judge Paul Thomas QC, on 4th May...
15 05 02 The Wager.pdf 15 05 08 Claimant's Closing Submissions continued pages 1 to 10.pdf 15 05 08 CONTINUED Closing Submissions (part two).pdf 15 05 08 CONTINUED Closing Submissions (part three).pdf See below for substantive submissions
THE BACK GROUND 12 04 21 MJK REDACTED Psychiatric Summary.pdf 13 01 27 SWP Dr MJK to Morgan Cole HHJ SL.pdf 1970's Taunton Somerset police station back door, before the camera and sign on it was quickly installed following the collapse of fire arms allegations in Taunton Magistrates, with proven...
AN E-MAIL WITH NO RESPONSE FAO Mr Justice Morgan 6 th June 2013 12.02pm FAO Hearings Cardiff County Court BS614159 22nd & 23rd May2013 Claimant Position Statements Ruling Further to my visit to the court to collect the 'by Tuesday' ruling, promised at the last day of the hearing, l have telephoned...
Blocked at every stage.......surprise, surprise!
Just the first page as a sample of a cleverly 4 page redacted and re-written 2010 letter, first written in September 2009, following Drs Tegwyn Williams and Professor Roger Wood's failure, on 2nd December 2009, when they presented, in the absence of Maurice, locked up below, their false account to...
This privately obtained medical report, achieved from inside Cardiff prison, using the Vale of Glamorgan's past Member of Parliament, Walter Sweeney and lovely wife, Nuala, Consultant Radioligist, to seriously influence the flushing out of a few rogue medical reports fabricated at Caswell Clinic...
I have thousands of pounds waiting for witnesses to come forwards Tel Brittany 0033296284741 UK 01446792108 Cell 07966523940