Report on the events at Birkenhead on Tuesday 3rd May 2011
At 9.30am I walked into the entrance to Wirral Magistrates Court, intending to do no more than observe any case that interested me. At 9.35am, already handcuffed, I was thrust into a 2'6" square cage in the back of a van in a Police Station yard. The engine was running, a Gestapo Zombie in the driving seat, but it didn't move. Neither me nor the van moved for almost three hours, when six Gestapo turned up, the sergeant dragged me violently out of the van, threw me to the ground, told me I was being 'de-arrested' & could go. That is as much as I can tell you about Tuesday morning in Birkenhead. Information about events in court will have to come from elsewhere.
Now, all together - " There'll Always Be An England "
Norman Scarth.
We have been under EU corpus juris law since 1992.
Under it, government is above the law, and no policeman has been convicted since then, in spite of 1,200 deaths in custody and 40 people shot dead.
You would have seen me stand up in the second row of the Public Gallery and say in a very audible voice, "The most important question to be put to this Parliament is whether the Right to Trial by Jury is going to be restored or will the House continue in corruption and treason.". John wilson, dentist, Australia
Guess who is next?
Maurice Kirk remains safe in Brittany, for the moment, following his much over due hip operation, with complications, whilst a European Arrest Order is now being considered by Cardiff magistrates see: The move is considered as his 6 months of asylum has just been cancelled, stating the Welsh courts should be protecting him under Union law!
What a joke!
This only leaves his appeal to be heard in Paris.
Their Welsh domestic arrest order, for non-attendance, despite other, some higher courts, accepting the five plus medical reports, that he was too ill to attend last year, has, so far, not been upheld by either the English or French police. It's just as the English police washed their hands of the scandalous all Welsh allegations in the 'machine gun case' nonsense, jailing Maurice for nearly eight months, an innocent party, to prevent litigation progress.
Fearing further Welsh incarceration, repeating the false psychiatric reports by Caswell Clinic's Dr Tegwyn Williams, to attempt yet another imprisonment for an indeterminate period, IPP (Imprisonment for Public Protection), Maurice knows it is all to prejudice and delay his nineteen year running civil action for damages against the South Wales Police and HM Court Service, part of HM Partnership, for false imprisonments and malicious prosecutions.
Charlie Veitch said, when arrested this week, pre royal wedding, are we all here now living in North Korea or China?
This statement seems to have taken this whole blog down for 4 hours which is why I have had to write it again....the clock is ticking as Big Brother considers the options.