Summary of Trial Kirk v South Wales Police Maurice suffered countless time consuming and expensive incidents instigated by the police, in the early 90s, until, in 2002, when police complaint achieved his name being removed from the veterinary register. Very little harassment has since taken place, since...
Summary of Trial Kirk v South Wales Police Maurice suffered countless time consuming and expensive incidents instigated by the police, in the early 90s, until, in 2002, when police complaint achieved his name being removed from the veterinary register. Very little harassment has taken place, since that...
After a particularly terrible night, morphine having little effect on my hip and ankle, other than getting me to vomit, I have just heard enough: 10 minutes of complex legal argument, and left court room number one with a headache. The judge says Barbara Wilding's hiding fifty witnessess, and therefore...
'HM' USURPERS ARE TAKING YOUR CHILDREN'S INHERITANCE, as you breathe. At 12.55pm the judge will deal with my complaint concerning the HM Court Service, still refusing to process my application for judgement, against the Chief Constable. My, as yet, successful action for damages, was based...
With a view to unravelling the complexity of Maurice's cases, reports about his current trial in Cardiff County Court have been moved to Legal Battles with, so far, these posts: Today: Before Trial Day 7: Letter to HM Treasury Solicitor Trial Day 6: But hear this... Trial Day 5 Day 4: Questioning...
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