...while I am rattling my cage below the court as these gentlemen, with the tape recorder deliberately switched off have waxed eloquent for half an hour or so, in their last ditch attempt to have me sent to Broadmoor, IPP, to avoid the machine gun trial ever becoming public. But William, the clerk, switched...
Police and Cardiff judges continue to refuse disclosure of their 40 to 50 numbers of incidents identified in Oct 2008 letter to same. How many millions of pounds did that cost the tax payer? DOWNLOAD SCHEDULE OF MOTORING INCIDENTS
Williams obtains my USA records, but refuses to let me see them just part of my medical records needed for my anaesthesist for my much delayed hip replacement operation.
Well, well, surprise, surprise! I have won, now, at least seven Cardiff Crown Court prosecutions and am yet to be awarded even my bus fares...download confirms it in writing.