1. In a well thought out judgment the HM District judge, Master Phillips, ruled Maurice had lost his compensation and was to pay, instead, HM £2,200 in costs but, at least, 'stayed' proceedings for three months due to the claimant's medical problems. Problems that may continue, sine die,...
Edwina Hart AM delegates NHS officials to also try and obtain withheld medical evidence used in Cardiff Crown Court for an IPP attempt. Her letter to me is here . [The following three letters are just SAMPLES from one hundred of Maurice's letters on the delicate subject] on September 15 to David...
Extracts of the defendant's speech that was never needed, as the jury told us in the Cardiff restaurant afterwards, the end of the first day of evidence was enough for them! "You have, may I suggest, just heard twelve days of yet another example of our current judiciary system exploiting a personal...
Maurice is still battling for his rights in the case in the Crown Court Cardiff. He has had huge difficulty accessing his papers whilst in the Prison, again in the custody suite when he wishes to consult and also in court where documents such as witness statements are producd by the CPS at the last minute...