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  • Laptop, Conjugal Rights & New Charges

    Maurice has been in touch by phone to say he's being refused access to his legal papers, stamps and money in order to begin building a defence for himself in time for the court hearing on September 1st. He also asked Caswell Clinic to allow him his conjugal rights. They refused that, too. Some of...

  • 19th Day on Hungerstrike

    Maurice Kirk rang at 3.15pm today (2 August 2009) from the Hospital Wing of Cardiff Prison, as he was transferred there on 29 July 2009. Maurice said that he was assessed by psychiatrist Dr Gaynor Jones for two hours on Friday 31 July 2009. “It was a gruelling session, mentally and physically” he said...

  • Maurice In County Court

    Tuesday 28th July - Maurice has been taken to County Court today (handcuffed) r.e. his civil case. It was adjourned again. He did not have the necessary papers as he was not aware of this hearing until yesterday He is continuing to refuse food to protest against his only option of appearing in court...

  • Maurice Unwell

    Hello, I am rather late in writing as I have spent the evening composing letters to Rt Hon J Smith, MP re Maurice’s treatment and to my “point of contact” at South Wales Police requesting a list of articles removed from my house on 22 June and complaining about lack of adherence to correct procedures...

  • In Jail Over WW1 Machine Gun

    Maurice Kirk wishes you to know that he is being held on remand in Cardiff Prison. He was arrested on Monday 22 June and taken to Port Talbot Police Station. He was charged on Tuesday late evening and appeared before magistrates on Wednesday. The magistrates decided to bail him, but on CPS appeal he...

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