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Welsh Politics Prevail?


Mr Justice R Singh Judicial Review Decision

So, boys and girls, what do you make of this latest bit of nonsense from Cardiff' cabal of corruption?
In a string of Cardiff criminal courts, for futile bail applications and farsical substantive trials, I was certified as 'MAD', written on my 'Remand Warrant' and therefore
refused: legal papers from cell below courts
2.sight of court exhibits
3.defence witnesses
4.right to cross examine prosecution witnesses whilst they milked  Sect 36 of YJCR Act
5. medical attention
6. adjournments etc etc
I wonder if His Lordship is aware of just what he is getting himself into, Caspar?

During 1st Dec Mag 'Harassment' hearing,1st March Crown Appeal and even in 2nd May 'trial by jury', Restraining Order nonsense, all were marked by my curtailed time in my either giving  evidence in chief or in  cross examination, when so granted such a privilage or chance to discuss cases with witnesses and helpers who had travelled the length and breadth of Europe to witness another 'machine gun'/ brain tumour stitch up by the South Wales Police.
The CPS admit repeated Crown and County Court Orders have been made to produce, oh so long ago:
 1. the  Restraining Order draft to be found, hand written by District judge John Charles, no less and
 2. Dolmans, solicitors for SWP, 18th/19th June 2009 police statement of complaint, to get me jailled for life, IPP, using armed police, helicopter, in Operations 'Chalice' re machine gun and ammunition and 'Orchid', to snatch my 10 year old daughter, the latter allowing me to understand just what the Musa parents are going through right NOW
Neither ordered document has been disclosed, of course or someone might be going to, not collecting £200, when passing 'GO' but straight to gaol [jail].
Ha Ha  so just what is new under the sun?
I suggest 'Lawful' or 'Unlawful' Rebellion is now long overdue
I will appeal


  • Posted By: Maurice Kirk
  • Posted : 06-09-2012
  • Viewed : 233
  • Comments : 0


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