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Crooked solicitor beaten at longt last!


Well Done Sheida and Diane

Peter Oakes writes:

I just read the item again and I noticed Sheida got a "mention" on the last page ! last para. ! Bloody disgusting considering the misery and suffering heaped on Sheida and Family. WHY DID IT TAKE SO LONG ? Daily Snail. Why did,nt the Met. Police pursue this criminal for his Criminal Offences re: Extortion ! Fraud ! Why does the Met. abandon it,s Duty to pursue criminals without fear or favor ? Why are the Law Society *** Regulation Authority allowed to conceal offences, assist offenders, become accessories after the fact, accomplices ??? It is because the Legal Mafia Profession is protected by 35% of MPs that are lawyers, re: Edward Timpson MP. Why has the Daily Mail not exposed the "judicial masonic legal mafia" they were given plenty of evidence outside the RCJ. They even took a group photo. of many mafia victims some years back. All of them part of Victims Unite. Congratulations to the Oraki Family for their strength of character and commitment to honest, decent, civil behaviour in a foreign land, You are a credit to your birth Country, whilst I am ashamed of england and it,s corrupt establishment and our cowardly countrymen, a disgrace to their grand parents & forefathers


  • Posted By: Maurice Kirk
  • Posted : 06-24-2012
  • Viewed : 728
  • Comments : 0


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