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Wanton Vandalism


Ramzin Makani

25th September 10 Letter to Crown Prosecution Service, Cardiff.

Penarth Road Snooker Hall, Marriot House, Penarth Road, Cardiff

Wanton Vandalism

On the 31st July 2010 I arrived on my above premises to catch, red handed, some one I recognised, employed by adjacent car dealers, well known to you, smashing up my property, no doubt to assist their masters in buying the property at their price.

My receiving threats that, 'no other car dealer will ever be allowed to trade next to us, Cardiff Trade Sales' is 'small beer' to the threats to my person and the thousands of pounds of damage, so far, done over recent months and escalated, recently, now due to their frustration of my release from prison.

My initial thoughts of enquiry as to, 1) the legality of the drivers of the two vans used in the crime, 2) their legality in the UK, 3) their respective criminal records, 4) motive?, 5) their apparent desire to make a complaint, 6) what investigation has the police actually done following my six logged complaints, 7) the police refusal to supply a lawyer, whilst I was in 5.45am to 10pm custody, to see a doctor, requested and given no opportunity to give my statement , under caution, with or without a lawyer, thereby not preserving evidence, 7) interview resisidents who also witnessed the vandalism taking place, 8) still no 'scenes of crime' report, 9) tracing witness on IP mobile, 10) clear documented case law contrary to such a 'described' incident, is entirely a matter for you and the tax payer?

Members of the public, who have just witnessed the damage, potential buyers, not frightend of either Lee Fettah or Jason Field, suggested I ask you, not the police, a complete wast of time, for the crime reference numbers (occurrence numbers) for each incident at the premises, since Cardiff Trade Sales first gained access to my property, without my consent and just what is the current police 'progress' in each investigation?

I took the procaution of taking photographs of wind screens, number plates and faces, one of which I enclose, that appear, on the face of it, excuse the pun, contrary to the wording of your charge......Arrest Sect 31 Crime and Disorder Act , 'Racially Aggrevated' threats.


  • Posted By: Maurice Kirk
  • Posted : 09-25-2010
  • Viewed : 33
  • Comments : 1


Maurice Kirk said:

£10,000 for witnesses prepared to give evidence


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