Images taken at local and international airshows that Maurice has had the pleasure to visit on his various trips and adventures.
7 total photos Last updated on 10-02-2008
<p>Dear Maurice, we all love you to bits for your gritted determination! Never before in the field of human conflict has any aviator suffered as you have for the cause of the freedom to fly! You are the re-incarnated Leonardo! </p><p>Once you had frail flying machines to test that would simply hop into the air and fly a few yards. Now you conquered that resistence in a new life and have flown the wide open oceans in your tiny Cub. Aerial chariots have changed, but the joy of flight has never left you. No way can they ground Kirk. Your birthright is to 'FLY' and fly you dam well will in the face of petty beaurocrats and those who have nothing to aim for. Get the French ticket and continue your journey un-interrupted! </p><p>Happy landings everywhere!</p><p>Free Spirit</p>
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