Why I was Jailed

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Posted By : Maurice Kirk Views : 204
Date Added : 04-11-2010

This, my witness statement, on covert police surveillance on me, family and veterinary practice, over 35 years, was posted on my site just 48 hours before my arrest and alongside South Wales Police's 26th Feb 2009 sworn affidavit, by Barbara Wilding, denying court cases and a police break-in into my surgery had ever occurred!

Both the affidavit and my statement were removed from my website, during my seven months imprisonment, by persons unknown. Barry Magistrates downloaded it on 23rd June 09 and gave me unconditional bail only for me to be immediately re-arrested and refused bail by ten successive Cardiff Judges, while Dr Tegwyn Williams et al frantically ran round, in ever decreasing circles, trying desperately to get me locked up in Broadmoor for an 'indeterminate prison sentence' without even a trial. So who actually wrote the false affidavit and who ordered both to be removed fom web site?

The other main reason for my imprisonment was orchestrated by police lawyers having me arrested on a pretext of 'threats to do criminal damage' only for this to be substituted for 'being in possession of a machine gun' they knew full well was an antique, decommisioned and sold more than a year before! Maybe the 18 year running civil action for damages, just listed for January 2010 but now put off, yet again, until September, requiring over 150 police officers to give evidence may have had something to do with it? Police defence lawyers continue to refuse to disclose the statements and contemporaneous notes of their purported complaint, required for the jury, contrary to current court order and has been the conduct for 18 years.

I have again instructed lawyers to attempt to secure evidence and the defendant has, yet again, been notified but the paper shredder has not been turned off.

After my 9th Feb10 release from prison and acquittal on all fabricated fire arms charges by the same police constabulary, not one English force, so compromised, were willing to put their name to it, despite the tendered false prosecution information to ten successive Cardiff judges, to successfully oppose bail.

The acquittal has caused the defence, begrudgingly, to serve three 'new' statements from three policemen, some 'traced', they say, through the South Wales Pension Fund.

Disclosure to the Plaintiff, however, of one hundred or more similar private addresses, needed for obtaining statements and serving prosecution witness summonses for trial, is always refused the defence using the excuse of the Data Protection Act. Interesting, when you think that these late three 'spirited up' police officers just happen to remember the court cases and police break-in into my veterinary surgery, earlier denied or avoided in the Chief Constable's 26th February 2009 sworn affidavit that triggered off MAPPA increased surveillance, to level three, to that of terrorist level and within the top 5% of the most potentially dangerous people on their PNC.

My increased reward to £20,000 for witnesses, on web site, www.kirkflyingvet.com and application for gun licence renewal has also brought an interesting reponse, not least from the various South Wales Police departments unwilling, it appears this time, to repeat the successful argument used before the Recorder of Cardiff, HHJ N Cooke, last year, to continue my incarceration in South Wales's Gulag Psychiatric hospital, Caswell Clinic, for further experimentation.



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