NHS Refuse Medical Records for Operation
Hip Replacement Urgently Needed
I am now nearly four months down the road since hip relplacement surgery was booked under urgent private medical care at the Vale Hospital.
I am now prescibed morphine sulphate and diclorfenac and using up previous local anaesthetic impregnated suppositories due to the side affects of medication and the 2001 surgical interferance needed following my twenty eight day flight to Australia sitting on a hard life raft in my WW2 cub!
Nausea is hindering my preparation for the ten week trial that is now imminent.
While my GP is struggling to find another medical opinion, in South Wales, Cardiff judges continue to refuse ordering Dr Tegwyn Williams of Caswell Clinic and the Crown Prosecution Service in disclosing their joint evidence, to His Honour Judge Bidder QC on 2nd December 2009, used when pleading I was far too dangerous to be let lose from Cardiff Prison and that I must be transfered to a high security psychiatric prison for an indeterminate prison sentance.
Can any one out there help me ,please?
Private HIP Replacement South Wales
8th May 2010
Dear Ms Jones,
I saw surgeon, Mr P Thomas, this week but now laid up in bed following a minor fall today in Brittany. I am only on diclofenac and paracetamol so it hurts!
Need to know if my medical records have been released from any doctor yet, ie records relating to possible brain damage/tumour following my now five month overdue 2nd brain scan?
Reports were by Drs Tegwyn Williams, Ruth Bagshaw, Joseph? Sylvester, Professor Roger Wood and several others refered to in court hearing, on 2ndDecember 2009 before HHJ Bidder QC, when doctor(s) said I appeared to have a 'cancer' requiring a 2nd scan and hospitalisation.
My Data Protection etc laws have failed to get them released either by Williams, Director of Caswell Clinic, Bridgend or HMP Prison who are now embroiled in litigation on the matter.
I was promised an e-mail of Landoch Hospital hip X-ray by our surgeon.
I need this operation asap
kind regards
Maurice J Kirk BVSc
tel 0033296284741 mobile 07907937953
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Maurice Kirk
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