Search results matching tags 'South Wales Police' and 'HM Court Service',HM+Court+Service&orTags=0Search results matching tags 'South Wales Police' and 'HM Court Service'en-USCommunityServer 2007 SP2 (Build: 20611.960)Criminal Charges against Barbara Wilding, Dr Tegwyn Williams and Adrian Oliver: Royal Courts of Justice 28th June 10.30 court 9 & Cardiff Magistrates 29th June10 am, 25 Jun 2011 11:28:00 GMTc7306cf9-8c9b-4f2c-8f21-f8b2637dc339:2023Maurice<p><b><font size="4">Criminal Charges</font></b>    </p><span style="FONT-FAMILY:'Arial','sans-serif';FONT-SIZE:10pt;"> <p><b>Barbara Wilding, ex-Chief Constable of the South Wales Constabulary</b></p> <ol> <li>On a day between the 4th Day of October 2008 and 26<sup>th</sup> Day of Feb 2009, in the Vale of Glamorgan, South Wales, with Adrian Oliver and other persons unknown, you did conspire to pervert the course of justice by the production of a sworn affidavit, dated 25<sup>th</sup> Feb 2009, for His Honour Judge Nicholas Chambers QC, knowing it to be false, contrary to section 1(1) of the Criminal Law Act 1977. </li></ol> <ol start="2"> <li>On a day between 1<sup>st</sup> June 2009 and 25<sup>th</sup> June 2009, in the Vale of Glamorgan, South Wales, with persons unknown and by laying false information before Multi Agency Public Protection Arrangements (MAPPA) meetings, you attempted to murder Maurice John Kirk knowing it to be unlawful and contrary to Criminal Attempts Act 1981.1. </li></ol> <ol start="3"> <li>On the 22nd June 2009, in the Vale of Glamorgan, South Wales, with persons unknown, under Operation Chalice, you did conspire to pervert the course of justice by having Maurice John Kirk arrested and gaoled for being in possession of a prohibited weapon, one WWI Lewis machine gun, knowing it to be false and contrary to section 1(1) of the Criminal Law Act 1977. </li></ol> <ol start="4"> <li> On the 22nd June 2009, in the Vale of Glamorgan, South Wales, with persons unknown, you did conspire to pervert the course of justice by having Maurice John Kirk arrested and gaoled for being in possession of ammunition, knowing it to be false and contrary to section 1(1) of the Criminal Law Act 1977. </li></ol> <ol start="5"> <li>On or about 22nd June 2009, in the Vale of Glamorgan, South Wales, with persons unknown, under Operation Orchid, you did harass Maurice John Kirk and/or Kirstie Louse Kirk and her daughter, indicating social services may remove Genevieve Kirk from the family unit when knowing the reasons to be false and contrary to section 2 of the Harassment Act 1997. </li></ol> <p><b>Adrian Oliver of Dolmans, solicitors, Windsor Place, Cardiff</b> </p> <ol> <li>On a day between the 4th Day of October 2008 and 26<sup>th</sup> Day of Feb 2009, in the Vale of Glamorgan, South Wales, with Barbara Wilding and other persons unknown, did conspire to pervert the course of justice by the production of a sworn affidavit, dated 25<sup>th</sup> Feb 2009, following the Order of His Honour Nicholas Chambers QC, knowing it to be false and contrary to section 1(1) of the Criminal Law Act 1977.<br /><br /></li> <li>On a day between 19<sup>th</sup> and 20<sup>th</sup> June 2009 in the Vale of Glamorgan, South Wales, with other persons unknown, did conspire to pervert the course of justice by the laying of information, namely, threat to cause criminal damage,knowing it to be false and causing Maurice John Kirk to be arrested, contrary to section 1(1) of the Criminal Law Act 1977.</li></ol> <p><b>Dr Tegwyn Williams of Caswell Clinic, South Wales Police Forensic Psychiatric Unit, Bridgend, South Wales</b></p> <ol> <li>On a day between 8<sup>th</sup> June and 17<sup>th</sup> December 2009, in the Vale of Glamorgan, South Wales, with persons unknown, did conspire to pervert the course of justice by the production of psychiatric reports of Maurice John Kirk knowing them to be false and written without the necessary qualifications, contrary to section 1(1) of the Criminal Law Act 1977.<br /><br /></li> <li>On 2nd December 2009, at Cardiff Crown Court in the Vale of Glamorgan South Wales, with Richard Thomlow, Crown Prosecution barrister, did conspire to pervert the course of justice by the laying of information before His Honour Judge Neil Bidder QC, knowing it to be false, namely, that Maurice John Kirk had significant brain damage and a possible brain tumour and recommending he be sent to a high security psychiatric hospital for an indeterminate period. </li></ol> <p>FAO Their Lordships<br />Royal Courts of Justice <br />London </p> <ol>27th June 2011 <b><br /><br />Contempt of Court Appeal</b> <br /><br />I enclose my HM Court Service blocked, 13th August 2009 Judicial Review Application, for urgent consideration, relating to falsified prosecution medical evidence, written by Dr Tegwyn Williams who was not even qualified so to do.<br /> <br />The very same issues were before HHJ Cooke QC on the day that led to the contempt of court conviction, now under appeal.<br /> <br />Issues included the fact that I was in severe pain with NHS (Wales) closing ranks, refusing to either conduct a brain scan or carry out a much overdue hip replacement operation.  <br /> <br />I also enclose draft copy of private criminal prosecutions shortly to be laid in Cardiff Magistrates court and elsewhere, should  there be no appropriate remedy or guidance from the Royal Courts of Justice<br /> <br />Maurice J Kirk BVSc  <p> </p> <p>Anarchy is just about to take over</p><a href=""></a> <p> </p></ol></span>Welsh Only Arrest Warrant, 10 May 2011 06:59:00 GMTc7306cf9-8c9b-4f2c-8f21-f8b2637dc339:1955Maurice<p>Interesting, isn't it: that as long as I do not cross the Severn Bridge into Wales, I will not be arrested? I have confronted the English police again today. Maybe the content of this <a href="">Judicial Review</a> explains? </p> <p>Just like the Welsh police having me jailed for nearly 8 months on a trumped up charge of 'trading in machine guns'. There the English police also washed their hands of the nonsence refusing even to arrest the new machine gun owner. So the Welsh used him as a prosecution witness I faced a mandatory 5 year prison term for each charge before my Cardiff jury..</p> <p>Not everybody knew but the gun, an antique Lewis, had been changed from <u>decomissioned</u>, as I sold her, attached to a replica WW1 DH2 fighter biplane flown at Farnborough, to a working prohibited weapon, contrary to the 1968 fire Arms Act.</p> <p>The Welsh police therefore telephoned the Civil Aviation Authority, who in turn asked the display pilot and four others with old aircraft, to 'unbolt their guns' and drive through the country, alone to deposit them with any gun smith!  The Welsh lot then transported her, unlawfully (contrary to Home Office Regulations) nearly 2000 miles, hawking her around England and Wales to fabricate my 10 year term, if evil Dr Tegyn Williams, Caswell Clinic Director Bridgend, failed to convince Cooke, the Recorder of the Cardiff Crown Court and 9 others, also refusing me bail, that I was too dangerous for release (if I won).</p> <p>Despite the facts known, Welsh police left me at large for months to get the opportunity to have me lawfully shot (see <a href="">leaked MAPPA minutes</a>).</p> <p>If it had not been for a little help from my friends around the world, commenting on this blog site, publishing the facts on Nicholas Cooke QC and Dr Williams, they may well have achieved Williams' request, that I be sectioned for life to reside in Ashworth High Security Psychiatric prison.</p> <p>Williams stated I had 'significant brain damage', possible brain tumour, with no qualification to do so, while Welsh NHS are continuing to allow him to do this to others, less fortunate than me.</p> <p>This Welsh cabal is still at large, on a whim to hatch any further abuse of process on an unsuspecting citizen so stupid to expose their patch.</p> <p>letter to Cardiff Magistrates today:</p> <p><b><u>2nd Nov 2010  Cardiff Magistrates  Judicial Review Application</u></b></p> <p>10th May 2011</p> <p>Clerk of the Court,</p> <p>1. I am still asking for the details of just what went on during my forced illness, protracted by Dr Tegwyn Williams of the South Wales Police Forensic Unit, by his criminally conducted false medical reports without the qualifications so to do?</p> <p>2. Why were my medical reports not put before the district judge ?</p> <p>3. Why will you not inform me of the names of the witnesses?</p> <p>4. Why will you not inform me of evidence, by sending copy of clerk's notes?</p> <p>5. Why has it taken you 6 months to answer my request for the identification of the judge in question?</p> <p>6. Other requests in my 3rd Nov 2010 letter to the clerk still remain unanswered.</p> <p>7. Do you now accept you received it?</p> <p>8. Will you now answer it?</p> <p>9. The Crown Prosecution Service state they do not oppose a rehearing with Defence present.</p> <p>10. I wish to know when District Judge Allan Berg is next sitting in Cardiff in order to arrange a hearing.</p> <p>  Thank you</p> <p>Maurice J Kirk BVSc</p> <p> </p> <p>.  . </p> Do Our Welsh Courts Behave any Worse than Those in England?, 03 Feb 2011 21:36:00 GMTc7306cf9-8c9b-4f2c-8f21-f8b2637dc339:1885Maurice<p style="TEXT-ALIGN:justify;MARGIN:0pt 0pt 8pt;" class="MsoNormal"><span style="LINE-HEIGHT:115%;FONT-SIZE:8pt;"><font face="Calibri">I pose a question for the discerning twenty odd % of our Principality’s electorate that bothered to get off their butt, that day, to vote against <b>devolution. </b></font></span><span style="LINE-HEIGHT:115%;FONT-SIZE:8pt;"><font face="Calibri">Considering the serious situation the UK is now in, suffering from post Blair and his collateral damage, never so bad since early September 1940, may I suggest you browse a few</font></span><span style="LINE-HEIGHT:115%;FONT-SIZE:8pt;"><font face="Calibri"> articles in the pockets of this website, written with you in mind, to try and suggest an alternative to </font></span><span style="LINE-HEIGHT:115%;FONT-SIZE:8pt;"><font face="Calibri">‘Lawful Rebellion’, 'taking to the streets’ and protesting, before we have the wisely predicted, in the 60s, ‘rivers of blood’ or something much worse.</font></span></p> <p style="TEXT-ALIGN:justify;MARGIN:0pt 0pt 8pt;" class="MsoNormal"><span style="LINE-HEIGHT:115%;FONT-SIZE:8pt;"><font face="Calibri">To assist the 'un</font></span><span style="LINE-HEIGHT:115%;FONT-SIZE:8pt;"><font face="Calibri">initiated', unaware of the day to day 'Affairs of the Welsh State', please read the following 'horror story' as a sample of things to come, if someone, perhaps you, fails to de-rail their tax payer funded 'gravy train'. </font></span></p><span style="LINE-HEIGHT:115%;FONT-SIZE:8pt;"></span><span style="LINE-HEIGHT:115%;FONT-SIZE:8pt;"><b><font size="3"> Machine Gun Case   </font></b></span><span style="LINE-HEIGHT:115%;FONT-SIZE:8pt;"> <p><b>•1.       </b><b>1977</b>: Five decommissioned WW1 Lewis machine guns were designated for various replica period aircraft for museum and display purposes.</p> <p><b>•2.       </b><b> 1997</b>: MJK purchased the DH2 aircraft and ‘gun' from a private collection with its log books and other Civil Aviation Authority (CAA) paperwork identifying the ‘gun' as an integral part of the British registered airframe.</p> <p><b>•3.       </b><b>. 1998</b>: The 1968 Fire Arms Act was amended meaning that if the ‘gun' remained as it had first been decommissioned, it remained exempt from the new regulations. This later became the critical argument in the 2010 Cardiff Crown Court trial.</p> <p><b>•4.       </b><b> 2000</b>: The DH2 flew at the Farnborough Air Show following a personal invitation from Captain Brian Trubshaw of 002 Concorde fame. On her return to Wales she suffered a propeller failure.</p> <p><b>•5.       </b><b>2006:</b> The DH2 was moved to RAF Lyneham, Wiltshire, for repair and display with the ‘gun' dismounted for much of the time.</p> <p><b>•6.       </b><b> 2007</b>: The DH2 and ‘gun' was handed out at the RAF main gate to a civilian for further repair.</p> <p><b>•7.       </b> 2008 MJK sold the aircraft and gun to another display pilot who modified the gun, the prosecution knew only too well, for his own purposes.</p> <p><b>•8.       </b><b>1st June 2009</b> Multi Agency Public Protection Arrangements (MAPPA) were mobilised by South Wales Police hoping to either shoot or jail MJK, under the 1983 Mental Health Act. This followed the Chief Constable having signed a false affidavit on 25th Feb 09, in the ongoing civil damages claim for false imprisonments and malicious prosecutions, in which she denied knowledge of police incidents including lost court cases and their breaking into MJK's veterinary surgery.</p> <p><b>•9.       </b><b>8th June</b>: MAPPA meeting categorised MJK as Level 3 (top 5% most dangerous) as ‘being in possession of the machine gun and ammunition' based, the court was later told, on photographs and sale adverts, all dating back to the year before and some as far back as 2001, when first advertised for sale in CAA and other aviation journals.</p> <p><b>•10.   </b> <b>18th June:</b> MJK obtained entry to the offices of the Chief Constable, at Bridgend HQ, for the purposes of arresting her for falsifying the affidavit. Also, the need for ‘mutual exchange' of witness statements, on a court deadline of 19th June 4pm, meant MJK took them with him to her office. Armed police surrounded the building in tin hats carrying CS and smoke grenades.</p> <p><b>•11.   </b><b>19th June</b>: Solicitors for the police also refused to ‘exchange' witness statements and laid complaint of ‘threat to commit criminal damage' when MJK apparently suggested they may therefore be delivered through their front window, attached to a 'gurt' brick.</p> <p><b>12.   </b><b> 21st June</b>: A sizable armed police raid on MJK's home, with helicopter, was aborted only because, the court heard later, MJK was in the garden, drinking tea with his wife and could only be arrested ‘whist away from the house'.</p> <p><b>•13.   </b> <b>22nd June</b>: A twenty five plus Trojan police team arrested him in his village, for ‘possession of a machine gun, ammo and threats of criminal damage'. The new owner was then telephoned by the Civil Aviation Authority to deposit ‘gun' with a gun dealer where Welsh police later seized it.</p> <p><b>•14.   </b> The ‘gun', recovered in Lincolnshire, was then hawked from pillar to post, well over 2000 miles, in the back of Welsh police cars, all over England and Wales, often by only one police officer, contrary to regulations, attempting to get someone somewhere to state the pile of WW1 metal was dangerous while MJK was n possession, a year earlier and now, in its newly modified state.</p> <p><b>•15.   </b><b> 23rd June</b>: MJK is charged with ‘possession of machine gun' and its ‘resale', each carrying two mandatory five year prison sentences, with the original seller of the gun to MJK and final recipient promised immunity to prosecution for they were needed as prosecution witnesses.</p> <p><b>•16.   </b> <b>24th June</b>: Barry Magistrates' unconditional bail was immediately overturned on CPS Appeal, next day, when he was remanded in custody by Cardiff Crown Court, despite there being no evidence given of ‘likely to abscond', ‘re offend' or would ‘commit a crime'. Nine further Welsh judges were to refuse him bail over nearly eight months which, with their original argument that he was mentally far too dangerous to be given bail, leaves many un answered questions.</p> <p><b>•17.   </b> <b>2nd December</b>: The Crown Prosecutor and Dr Tegwyn Williams pleaded in Cardiff Crown Court, using falsified NHS medical records, to have MJK sectioned to a High Security Psychiatric Prison, for life. Only the foresight of an already prepared defense, by way of a privately funded neuro-radiologist's report, served on Cardiff Crown Court just the day before, saved the day</p> <p><b>•18.   </b><b>25th January 2010</b>: The ridiculous trial, therefore, had to go ahead, so relevant disclosure of the conspiracy and access to MJK's potential witnesses was sufficiently blocked by the trial judge to further anger the jury, as MJK was told, when meeting the them immediately after the trial.</p> <p><b>•19.   </b><b> 9th February</b>: Cross examination of police was so seriously restricted the jury, therefore, were not allowed to hear any defense evidence. The Jury informed MJK their verdict was concluded after the very first day of prosecution evidence. Cross examination of police witnesses confirmed they had also modified the ‘gun' to protect their prosecution witnesses by attempting to revert the piece of metal back to fit MJK's 2008 photographs published on his web site. He was never allowed to examine the prosecution main exhibit, the ‘gun;, before or during the trial.</p> <p><b>•20.   </b><b>April</b>. The trial judge refused MJK any costs, not even for transcripts of hearings in his absence, previously ordered to be reimbursed by The Recorder of Cardiff, HHJ N Cooke QC or claim bus fares and hotel bills incurred by his witnesses who had travelled from all over the country.</p> <p><b>•21.   </b> <b>24th June</b>: Judge Cooke sentenced MJK to prison for 28 days for arguing over the disclosure of his falsified medical records used by Dr Tegwyn Williams which, today, is still delaying his much needed hip operation. Judge Cooke also reversed his earlier decision that MJK could hear the tape, see the court logs and be reimbursed for the pre paid court transcripts.</p> <p><b>•22.   </b> MJK's Contempt of Court appeal is currently before the Criminal Court of Appeal in London where he will, again, be asking Their Lordships for the release of those medical records, that stated,‘ significant brain damage' and ‘possible brain tumour', concocted by the HM Crown Prosecutor, Mr Thomlow, Dr Tegwyn Williams and Professor Roger Wood before His Honour Judge Bidder QC, on 2nd Dec 2009, with MJK, unrepresented, locked up below the court.</p> <p><b>•23.   </b> DAMAGES are sought for malicious prosecution, false imprisonment, fraudulent sectioning and for their deliberate delaying the civil action against South Wales Police that had been running for nearly 19 years. The conduct of HM Court Service and others leaves MJK in some difficulties.</p> <p><b>•24.   </b> The entire Welsh National Health Service has now closed ranks in this multi agency ‘cover up' with the Welsh Health Minister, Edwina Hart AM, area NHS manager, Mr David Sissling, HM Prison Medical Centre, Cardiff Crown Court, Recorder of Cardiff, Nicholas Cooke QC, Princess of Wales Hospital Records Department, Caswell Clinic Psychiatric Prison, Cardiff Civil Court judges, General Medical Council (Wales), Dr Tegwyn Williams and Professor Roger Wood, the original culprits, all, apparently, ‘burying their heads in sand' expecting the consequences of their orchestrated conduct, causing so much suffering, to disappear..</p> <p><b>•25.   </b> Meanwhile French doctors, just as MJK's private surgical team in South Wales did, in June 2010, have cancelled an urgent hip replacement operation due to the Principality's refusal to clarify just what went on in MAPPA at least seven meetings in 2009, to have MJK in a position to be possibly shot or spirited away, behind bars, for life, on spurious medical grounds fabricated on the original instructions of senior officers of the South Wales Police.</p> <p><b>•26.   </b> Only a Government Remedy can compensate for the violation of human and professional rights by the Welsh authorities once again experienced by myself.</p> <p>Maurice J Kirk BVSc</p> <p>4th February 2011</p></span>