Search results matching tags 'South Wales Police' and 'Judge Seys Llewellyn QC',Judge+Seys+Llewellyn+QC&orTags=0Search results matching tags 'South Wales Police' and 'Judge Seys Llewellyn QC'en-USCommunityServer 2007 SP2 (Build: 20611.960)Machine Gun Case and MAPPA Disclosure 11th July 2pm at Cardiff County Court, 06 Jul 2011 08:18:00 GMTc7306cf9-8c9b-4f2c-8f21-f8b2637dc339:2042Maurice<p><a href=""><img align="left" src="" width="200" height="282" alt="" /></a><b>Roll up, roll up,</b> see corruption in the raw!</p> <p>While I was outside the Cardiff court yesterday, demonstrating with megaphone and posters, a relation of one of the machine gun jury, in January 2009, came up and said she was appalled at Judge Paul Thomas QC's conduct, he stating she believed it had been, "chaotic and bloody shambolic". I told him, knowing the taffia's real reason behind the trial, I could have been a mass murderer and I would still have got off!</p> <p>Yesterday's e-mails from both Adrian Oliver, for machine gun case damages and Morgan Cole , for Dr Tegwyn Wiliams and Professor Wood false medical reports damages, both indicated frantic activity within the South Wales Police, to put both cases  into the 'long grass'.</p> <p>One or two more Welsh judges will oblige them, no doubt, to keep the truth from the general public </p> <p style="MARGIN:0pt 0pt 10pt;" class="MsoNormal"><font size="3" face="Calibri"><b>WANTED</b></font></p> <p style="MARGIN:0pt 0pt 10pt;" class="MsoNormal"><font size="3" face="Calibri"><b>Judge Paul Thomas QC</b></font></p> <p style="MARGIN:0pt 0pt 10pt;" class="MsoNormal"><font size="3" face="Calibri"><b>As Cardiff trial judge he refused me - my medication, my documents in cell below, bail, relevant witnesses, the right to cross examine relevant issues, the right to interview my own witnesses, to stop a hopeless trial, disclosure of the police fabricated conspiracy with MAPPA/FTAC, seeking IPP, that I was dangerous and in ‘possession of a WW1 decommissioned Lewis machine gun with live ammunition.</b></font></p> <p style="MARGIN:0pt 0pt 10pt;" class="MsoNormal"><font size="3" face="Calibri"><b>Jury decided verdict after first day of evidence</b></font></p> <p style="MARGIN:0pt 0pt 10pt;" class="MsoNormal"><font size="3" face="Calibri"><b>He refused the huge costs incurred</b></font></p> <p style="MARGIN:0pt 0pt 10pt;" class="MsoNormal"><font size="3" face="Calibri"><b>Evilness Personified</b></font></p> <p style="MARGIN:0pt 0pt 10pt;" class="MsoNormal"><font size="3" face="Calibri"><b>Published by Maurice Kirk </b><a href=""><font color="#efbc97"><b></b></font></a></font></p> <p style="MARGIN:0pt 0pt 10pt;" class="MsoNormal"><font size="3" face="Calibri"><b>(Content of many WANTED posters to be dropped over Cardiff from a great height)</b></font></p> <p> </p> <p>It stinks, does'nt it?</p> <p><b><font size="4">Come Witness More Corruption on the 11th July 2pm at Cardiff County Court</font></b></p> <p>The conspiracy to having me shot or locked away for life, IPP, by the Defendant in this Monday's case, all surfaces in their very own made cesspit of evilness, known as a Cardiff court, changed, at 2pm.</p> <p>Maurice pays for lunch and and sticky buns, in the intervals when the fire curtain comes down. That's if you can bear the stench, in the auditorium, in this local theatre of entertainment known as the Cardiff Justice Centre. 2pm</p> <p>See video  (in blog post below) of  UK Law Lords scurrying out of court, last week, knowing these issues, to be raised on Monday, were, at last, before them, the method, to get it out of Wales, having been somewhat un-orthodox. </p> <p>A general statement on behalf of "We the people..." who believe our government and law courts have undermined basic human rights and pledge to fulfil the promise of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights <a href="">is here</a>. <br /></p> <p>MONDAY AGENDA</p> <p>On Monday at 2pm police apply to court to put off my current machine gun one million pound claim until outcome of my 19 year running damages claim of police bullying ie 2years.<br /> <br />Also, today, my seperate claim against NHS, Dr Williams and Prof Wood falsified medical reports to get me to Ashworth High Security Prison has recieved in court an application by Defendants to stay also!.<br /> <br />Bearing in mind my private prosecutions in Cardiff  mag are now subject to 'state a case' back at DJ Martin Brown and Bristol magistrates advise are back before judge Nicholas Cooke QC ,who you may remember,on 1st Oct 2009 throuout norman and myself, refusing me bail lying to you that the psychiatric report was correct..<br /> <br />Also 6 hours with police this week, repeating all complaints I generated when that evil Caswell Clinic, in 2009, run by Williams to fill his private clinics.<br /> <br />On Monday the trial judge is forced to make decision on whether I get MAPPA minutes of June 09 to Dec 09, not subject to PII, which reveals more of the conspiracy to get me to prison for life,unconvicted.<br /></p> <p>You shoukd be able to precict his behavioour after his last one which included I could not sue police3 for beating me up caught on over head camera (see videos).</p> <p><br />There is much more I am not prepared to reveal just now<br /> </p><b>Application to a magistrates' court to state a case                                                  5th July 2011</b> <p><b>64.1.</b>-(1) An application under section 111(1) of the Magistrates' Courts Act 1980(<b>a</b>) shall be made in writing and signed by or on behalf of the applicant and shall identify the question or questions of law or jurisdiction on which the opinion of the High Court is sought. </p> <p>(2) Where one of the questions on which the opinion of the High Court is sought is whether there was evidence on which the magistrates' court could come to its decision, the particular finding of fact made by the magistrates' court which it is claimed cannot be supported by the evidence before the magistrates' court shall be specified in such application. </p> <p>(3) Any such application shall be sent to a court officer for the magistrates' court whose decision is questioned. </p> <p> </p> <p>Cardiff Magistrates<br />Cardiff<br />South Wales</p> <p>5<sup>th</sup> July 2011</p> <p align="center"><b>Laying of Information against Adrian Oliver, Barbara Wilding and Dr Tegwyn Williams</b></p> <p>An application under section 111(1) of the Magistrates' Courts Act 1980(<b>a</b>) is made to state a case before the High Court on the premise that Adrian Oliver drafted an affidavit for the County Court, having stated to the Cardiff County Court had full disclosure knowing the affidavit to be false for Barbara Wilding to sign it.</p> <p>Further, for Barbara Wilding to have ignored the November 2008 Court Order, immediately handing in her notice as Chief Constable and then signing the 25<sup>th</sup> February 2009 affidavit, knowing it to be false, was also a criminal offence.</p> <p>To then employ medical staff, on or before 8<sup>th</sup> June 2009, from her South Wales Police forensic unit, Caswell Clinic, Bridgend, informing them Maurice Kirk was likely to be shot but deliberately delaying his arrest was a criminal offence.</p> <p>Once detained in custody, on the 22<sup>nd</sup> July 2009 for police using Adrian Oliver to lay complaint, knowing it to be false, was a criminal offence.</p> <p>The magistrate knew or should have known all three of the accused were all implicated if not fully aware, in over 130 criminal allegations brought by the South Wales Police of which as few as 12 had been found proven in local Welsh courts, was part of promised immunity to prosecution in the Principality, purely for profit.</p> <p>The HM Court Service (Wales) and Crown Prosecution Service (Wales) were equally well informed, in that 29<sup>th</sup> June 2011 magistrates court hearing with prima facie evidence of an apparent conspiracy to pervert the course of justice by all three accused and should or did inform the district judge accordingly.</p> <p>Dr Tegwyn Williams was employed by police to falsify his first psychiatric report to MAPPA and IAG, on the 1<sup>st</sup> June 2009, following Maurice Kirk's applications to the Royal Courts of Justice and elsewhere, in England, for an independent police investigation.</p> <p>The magistrate had access to all this above information and documents already before him, with both the CPS, and HMCS in attendance together with Adrian Oliver, also an officer of the court, all bound, by oath, not to knowingly allow an ‘abuse of process' to be obtained in any England and Wales court of law.</p> <p>For the magistrate to deliberately state the findings of Dr Tegwyn Williams, ‘significant brain damage', ‘paranoid delusional disorder' [belief Maurice Kirk believed police were bullying him] and ‘having a possible brain tumour' was, in itself, an abuse and a criminal offence.</p> <p>Dr Tegwyn Williams neither had the qualifications nor the knowledge and when in possession of contrary evidence by experts, to have knowingly falsified numerous, some yet undisclosed, despite court order, psychiatric reports, to have Maurice Kirk sectioned to Ashworth high security prison for life, was a criminal offence.</p> <p>Williams was aware such an attempt would prejudice Maurice Kirk's 19 year running civil damages claim against the police and nearly 8 months imprisonment, that Maurice Kirk was in possession of a machine gun, had been fabricated by Barbara Wilding for her own private purposes.</p> <p>6 hours, today, with Cardiff police and visiting Cardiff Crown court, upon the advice of and English court, in Bristol, was a joke. HHJ Cooke QC repeating his arrogant deceit by refusing disclosure of my own medical records, he personally had ordered to get him sectioned, will again go before the Criminal Court of Appeal, London and will again be videoed for internet coverage to expose South Wales deceit riddled judiciary driven by avarice.</p> <p>For police, today, to suggest Maurice Kirk report his complaint of ‘attempted murder' to IPCC is an insult to his intelligence, since they know he had already been there, countless times, bought the T-shirt and seen the movie.</p> <p>Police, today, refused to investigate my complaints or refer them to the CPS but, instead, referred the documents to the South Wales Police HQ, Bridgend.</p> <p>Gloucestershire police have already refused to investigate sending all the evidence to the villains.</p> <p>Maurice Kirk makes application to pay £20,000 or whatever sum of money it takes, to a police officer, for the release of records relating only to him, created by IAG, MAPPA, Caswell Clinic, HM prison, Cardiff, Cardiff courts and Dr Tegwyn Williams thereby unable to be withheld, any longer, on the legal argument of Public Interest Immunity to be attempted in another thoroughly corrupt welsh environment, Cardiff County Court, on 11<sup>th</sup> and 12<sup>th</sup> July, before HHJ Seys Llewellyn QC.</p> <p>All invited, lunch on Maurice Kirk, as usual. </p> <p>Maurice J Kirk BVSc</p> <p>Enclosed criminal charges before 28<sup>th</sup> June 2011 Cardiff Magistrates Court<b></b></p> <p> </p> <p><b>Criminal Charges</b> </p> <p><b>Barbara Wilding, ex-Chief Constable of the South Wales Constabulary</b></p> <ol> <li>On a day between the 4th Day of October 2008 and 26<sup>th</sup> Day of Feb 2009, in the Vale of Glamorgan, South Wales, with Adrian Oliver and other persons unknown, you did conspire to pervert the course of justice by the production of a sworn affidavit, dated 25<sup>th</sup> Feb 2009, for His Honour Judge Nicholas Chambers QC, knowing it to be false, contrary to section 1(1) of the Criminal Law Act 1977.  </li></ol> <ol start="2"> <li>On a day between 1<sup>st</sup> June 2009 and 25<sup>th</sup> June 2009, in the Vale of Glamorgan, South Wales, with persons unknown and by laying false information before Multi Agency Public Protection Arrangements (MAPPA) meetings, you attempted to murder Maurice John Kirk knowing it to be unlawful and contrary to Criminal Attempts Act 1981.1.</li></ol> <ol start="3"> <li>On the 22nd June 2009, in the Vale of Glamorgan, South Wales, with persons unknown, under Operation Chalice, you did conspire to pervert the course of justice by having Maurice John Kirk arrested and gaoled for being in possession of a prohibited weapon, one WWI Lewis machine gun, knowing it to be false and contrary to section 1(1) of the Criminal Law Act 1977.  </li></ol> <ol start="4"> <li> On the 22nd June 2009, in the Vale of Glamorgan, South Wales, with persons unknown, you did conspire to pervert the course of justice by having Maurice John Kirk arrested and gaoled for being in possession of ammunition, knowing it to be false and contrary to section 1(1) of the Criminal Law Act 1977.</li></ol> <ol start="5"> <li>On or about 22nd June 2009, in the Vale of Glamorgan, South Wales, with persons unknown, under Operation Orchid, you did harass Maurice John Kirk and/or Kirstie Louse Kirk and her daughter, indicating social services may remove Genevieve Kirk from the family unit when knowing the reasons to be false and contrary to section 2 of the Harassment Act 1997.  </li></ol> <p><b><br />Adrian Oliver of Dolmans, solicitors, Windsor Place, Cardiff</b> </p> <ul> <li>1. On a day between the 4th Day of October 2008 and 26<sup>th</sup> Day of Feb 2009, in the Vale of Glamorgan, South Wales, with Barbara Wilding and other persons unknown, did conspire to pervert the course of justice by the production of a sworn affidavit, dated 25<sup>th</sup> Feb 2009,following the Order of His Honour Nicholas Chambers QC,knowing it to be false and contrary to section 1(1) of the Criminal Law Act 1977.  </li></ul> <ul> <li>2. On a day between 19<sup>th</sup> and 20<sup>th</sup> June 2009 in the Vale of Glamorgan, South Wales, with other persons unknown, did conspire to pervert the course of justice by the laying of information, namely, threat to cause criminal damage,knowing it to be false and causing Maurice John Kirk to be arrested, contrary to section 1(1) of the Criminal Law Act 1977.</li></ul> <p><br /><b>Dr Tegwyn Williams of Caswell Clinic, South Wales Police Forensic Psychiatric Unit, Bridgend, South Wales</b></p> <ul> <li>1. On a day between 8<sup>th</sup> June and 17<sup>th</sup> December 2009, in the Vale of Glamorgan, South Wales, with persons unknown, did conspire to pervert the course of justice by the production of psychiatric reports of Maurice John Kirk knowing them to be false and written without the necessary qualifications, contrary to section 1(1) of the Criminal Law Act 1977. <br /></li></ul> <ul> <li>2. On 2nd December 2009, at Cardiff Crown Court in the Vale of Glamorgan South Wales, with Richard Thomlow, Crown Prosecution barrister, did conspireto pervert the course of justice by the laying of information before His Honour Judge Neil Bidder QC, knowing it to be false, namely, that Maurice John Kirk had significant brain damage and a possible brain tumour and recommending he be sentto ahigh security psychiatric hospital for an indeterminate period. </li></ul>Criminal Charges against Barbara Wilding, Dr Tegwyn Williams and Adrian Oliver: Royal Courts of Justice 28th June 10.30 court 9 & Cardiff Magistrates 29th June10 am, 25 Jun 2011 11:28:00 GMTc7306cf9-8c9b-4f2c-8f21-f8b2637dc339:2023Maurice<p><b><font size="4">Criminal Charges</font></b>    </p><span style="FONT-FAMILY:'Arial','sans-serif';FONT-SIZE:10pt;"> <p><b>Barbara Wilding, ex-Chief Constable of the South Wales Constabulary</b></p> <ol> <li>On a day between the 4th Day of October 2008 and 26<sup>th</sup> Day of Feb 2009, in the Vale of Glamorgan, South Wales, with Adrian Oliver and other persons unknown, you did conspire to pervert the course of justice by the production of a sworn affidavit, dated 25<sup>th</sup> Feb 2009, for His Honour Judge Nicholas Chambers QC, knowing it to be false, contrary to section 1(1) of the Criminal Law Act 1977. </li></ol> <ol start="2"> <li>On a day between 1<sup>st</sup> June 2009 and 25<sup>th</sup> June 2009, in the Vale of Glamorgan, South Wales, with persons unknown and by laying false information before Multi Agency Public Protection Arrangements (MAPPA) meetings, you attempted to murder Maurice John Kirk knowing it to be unlawful and contrary to Criminal Attempts Act 1981.1. </li></ol> <ol start="3"> <li>On the 22nd June 2009, in the Vale of Glamorgan, South Wales, with persons unknown, under Operation Chalice, you did conspire to pervert the course of justice by having Maurice John Kirk arrested and gaoled for being in possession of a prohibited weapon, one WWI Lewis machine gun, knowing it to be false and contrary to section 1(1) of the Criminal Law Act 1977. </li></ol> <ol start="4"> <li> On the 22nd June 2009, in the Vale of Glamorgan, South Wales, with persons unknown, you did conspire to pervert the course of justice by having Maurice John Kirk arrested and gaoled for being in possession of ammunition, knowing it to be false and contrary to section 1(1) of the Criminal Law Act 1977. </li></ol> <ol start="5"> <li>On or about 22nd June 2009, in the Vale of Glamorgan, South Wales, with persons unknown, under Operation Orchid, you did harass Maurice John Kirk and/or Kirstie Louse Kirk and her daughter, indicating social services may remove Genevieve Kirk from the family unit when knowing the reasons to be false and contrary to section 2 of the Harassment Act 1997. </li></ol> <p><b>Adrian Oliver of Dolmans, solicitors, Windsor Place, Cardiff</b> </p> <ol> <li>On a day between the 4th Day of October 2008 and 26<sup>th</sup> Day of Feb 2009, in the Vale of Glamorgan, South Wales, with Barbara Wilding and other persons unknown, did conspire to pervert the course of justice by the production of a sworn affidavit, dated 25<sup>th</sup> Feb 2009, following the Order of His Honour Nicholas Chambers QC, knowing it to be false and contrary to section 1(1) of the Criminal Law Act 1977.<br /><br /></li> <li>On a day between 19<sup>th</sup> and 20<sup>th</sup> June 2009 in the Vale of Glamorgan, South Wales, with other persons unknown, did conspire to pervert the course of justice by the laying of information, namely, threat to cause criminal damage,knowing it to be false and causing Maurice John Kirk to be arrested, contrary to section 1(1) of the Criminal Law Act 1977.</li></ol> <p><b>Dr Tegwyn Williams of Caswell Clinic, South Wales Police Forensic Psychiatric Unit, Bridgend, South Wales</b></p> <ol> <li>On a day between 8<sup>th</sup> June and 17<sup>th</sup> December 2009, in the Vale of Glamorgan, South Wales, with persons unknown, did conspire to pervert the course of justice by the production of psychiatric reports of Maurice John Kirk knowing them to be false and written without the necessary qualifications, contrary to section 1(1) of the Criminal Law Act 1977.<br /><br /></li> <li>On 2nd December 2009, at Cardiff Crown Court in the Vale of Glamorgan South Wales, with Richard Thomlow, Crown Prosecution barrister, did conspire to pervert the course of justice by the laying of information before His Honour Judge Neil Bidder QC, knowing it to be false, namely, that Maurice John Kirk had significant brain damage and a possible brain tumour and recommending he be sent to a high security psychiatric hospital for an indeterminate period. </li></ol> <p>FAO Their Lordships<br />Royal Courts of Justice <br />London </p> <ol>27th June 2011 <b><br /><br />Contempt of Court Appeal</b> <br /><br />I enclose my HM Court Service blocked, 13th August 2009 Judicial Review Application, for urgent consideration, relating to falsified prosecution medical evidence, written by Dr Tegwyn Williams who was not even qualified so to do.<br /> <br />The very same issues were before HHJ Cooke QC on the day that led to the contempt of court conviction, now under appeal.<br /> <br />Issues included the fact that I was in severe pain with NHS (Wales) closing ranks, refusing to either conduct a brain scan or carry out a much overdue hip replacement operation.  <br /> <br />I also enclose draft copy of private criminal prosecutions shortly to be laid in Cardiff Magistrates court and elsewhere, should  there be no appropriate remedy or guidance from the Royal Courts of Justice<br /> <br />Maurice J Kirk BVSc  <p> </p> <p>Anarchy is just about to take over</p><a href=""></a> <p> </p></ol></span>D Notice? Glamorgan Gem reports about Maurice's Court Case but not his Asylum, 16 Dec 2010 08:41:00 GMTc7306cf9-8c9b-4f2c-8f21-f8b2637dc339:1813SabineKMcNeill<p> <a href=""><img src="" width="150" align="left" height="102" alt="" /></a><b>This is another article</b> in the local paper where Maurice lives when he is not in Brittany - as now <a href="">on asylum</a>.</p> <p>The headline says: <b>Flying Vet: Judge rules on abuse of process claim.  </b></p> <p>Click on the image to read the whole article. It's a reasonable summary. <br /></p>"Just, fair and reasonable" or the justification of legalised violence?, 30 Nov 2010 18:47:00 GMTc7306cf9-8c9b-4f2c-8f21-f8b2637dc339:1761SabineKMcNeill<p><b>I'm new to "legalese" </b>and have only read as many of Maurice's documents as I deemed necessary in the attempt to understand the big picture and to clean up his website so that I could promote it. </p> <p>Today's 40-page "<a href="">judgment on preliminary issues</a>" is most fascinating reading. So far, it has revealed the following - in order of my consideration of significance and importance: </p> <ul> <li>to urge that, on principle, justice is most likely to be done if pre-access is had to all relevant documents is pointless, for it carries <b>no weight in our adversarial system of law</b>……”; to change the adversarial system into a <i><b>truth-seeking</b></i> one, is the campaign of the author of <a href="">Our Corrupt Legal System</a>  <br /><br /></li> <li><b>“the one great principle of English Law is, to make business for itself…”</b>; this principle is clearly working for solicitors, barristers and judges, especially when they're paid by the public purse or gravy train, as Maurice would put it; however, to draw out stages of argument such that an action for civil damages that tries to argue the malicious intent behind 18 years of harassment is clearly not in the interest of a <i><b>litigant in person<br /><br /></b></i></li> <li>the word "<b>principle</b>" appears 48 times in the judgment. So I thought that his 'legal battles' now change into a 'battle of legal principles'; however, HHJ Seys Llewellyn mentions many principles without necessarily giving them names.  <br /><br /></li> <li>So what are "principles of law"???<br /><br /></li> <li>Which are the principles at stake for Maurice?<br /><br /></li> <li>Which are the principles that HHJ Seys Llewellyn feels he needs to defend?</li> </ul> <p>The essence of harassment is that it consists of more than one incident. Whether it has been dealt with in legal actions is irrelevant.They have all taken place. They are real. <br /></p> <p>Here is the core of my arguments:<br /></p> <ol> <li>Given Maurice's medical condition, it is inhuman and barbaric to conduct any hearing. What prevents HHJ Seys Llelwellyn from ordering the release of the medical records from any of the 5 possible sources that we mention in <a href="">our online petition</a>?<br /><br /> </li> <li>To go into the details of each incident is not nearly as important as to look at the overall picture of compounding the behaviour of harassment by South Wales Police: </li> <ul> <li>motoring incidents</li> <li>false imprisonments</li> <li>the non-investigation of crimes</li> <li>MAPPA surveillance</li> <li>non-disclosure of critical documents</li> <li>the use of judges' discretion rather than judgements of a jury.<br /><br /></li> </ul> <li>"Public policy" cannot be used as an excuse when an "organisational policy" appears to be in operation, i.e. orders to target an individual in his place of residency and professional activity by a particular police force.<br /><br /></li> <li>In all cited cases of precedence, the offenders are individuals rather than an organisation covering lots of individuals.   <br /><br /></li> <li>The Chief Executive of this organisation is likely to be part of the Association of Chief Police Officers who have a <a href="">Memorandum of Understanding</a> with the Law Society <b>not to Investigate Crimes. <br /><br /></b></li> <li>The only people benefitting from drawn out court procedures are the legal professionals involved. A litigant in person would like actions to be over and done with.<br /><br /></li> <li>The fact that the harassment has been going on for such a long time is the reason for actions having been put before various courts for a long time - at a success rate of nearly 90% for Maurice! <br /><br /></li> <li>Given the adversarial system, the sources of money for the legal profession and the extreme and unusual circumstances surrounding the litigant as well as the Police, Maurice is seriously disadvantaged.<br /><br /></li> <li>The petition <a href="">WANTED: Fair Trials and Compensation</a> shows the Court of Public Opinion is distinctly in his favour, especially given the <a href="">comments</a>.<br /><br /></li> <li>The petition <a href="">Stop the Oppression of the British people</a> also created lots of <a href="">comments</a> in the same spirit: <br /></li> <ul> <li>the legal profession is not trustworthy any more</li><li>the legal profession protects <a href="">HM Partnership</a></li><li>as a law enforcement agency to keep the Queen's peace and a professional oath of allegiance to HM The Queen, the Police is part of HM Partnership  <br /><br /></li> </ul> <li>The three websites <a href="">(in order of chronology) Room 14 - A Foundation for Change</a>, <a href="">Enforcement of Bank of England Act 1694</a> and <a href="">Victims Unite!</a> all paint a picture that acts as Court of Public Opinion instead of a jury and represent, in attitude, victims of legal oppression and manipulation, rather than justice and truth. </li> </ol> Trial Day 7: Friday Sept 17, 2010: adjourned or not adjourned - that is the question!..., 18 Sep 2010 09:55:00 GMTc7306cf9-8c9b-4f2c-8f21-f8b2637dc339:1552SabineKMcNeill<p><b>Friday 17th Sept 2010<br /><br /></b>I went to Magistrates, yesterday but refused to enter the court. Hence I simply handed in my original medical report from my own GP, which was not accepted by the Trial judge despite being backed with previous Dec 09 transcripts and Dr William's reports etc. I was given immediate adjournment.<br /><br />Despite my late arrival due to the Magistrates, the trial progressed, the Judge allowing the police to put in legal pleadings to 'strike out' all three claims.<br /><br />I brought it to the notice of the court that the police had done all this, some fifteen years ago, and had managed to have about three or four of the thirty odd incidents struck out. I discharged my Bristol lawyers for having 'wrong police force' or wrong facts in Particulars of Claim, despite countless reminders, appealed and had some restored. The judge stated all this was 'new to him' as the police legal team remained silent.<br /><br />The court adjourned on the argument I was not 'not fit'. Dead right but I was 'not fit' all month!<br /><br />Extra medical reports, lodged this week, caused the judge to adjourn, for around six months, the rest of the proceedings, as I understood it...<br /><br />So I am even more confused now being told the trial will continue on Monday/Tuesday/Wednesday at 11am COURT 1, Cardiff Civil Justice Centre.<br /><br />I did manage, however, to obtain His Honour's assurance that the MAPPA Executive Summaries, written in the past few weeks, under Dolmans guidance, be duplicated and given to District Judge Phillips by 4pm. This was the deadline for me to show the HM Prison HAD received my summons and application for judgment for £50,000, last summer, as they were referred to in the minutes of the monthly MAPPA meetings with prison, police and Caswell Clinic 'well represented'.<br /><br />I also managed to ask that the HM Governor's 1st July 2010 prison document, denying any knowledge of my being under any MAPPA procedure, whilst in prison last year, be also duplicated and given to Judge Phillips before the 4pm deadline.<br /><br />Reminding the court that Barry Magistrates, Cardiff Crown and now, this judge, had, so far, ALL continued to refuse to order either Dr Tegwyn Williams or Professor Roger Wood to reveal, on oath or statement, the information before Judge Bidder QC, required by my surgeons, His Honour suggested I have a new brain scan!</p> <p>Catch 22  But this had been refused by the Cardiff hospital on the pretext my 'released' medical records did not cause the need!<br /><br />My own 'petty debt actions', ONE, against Dr Williams, for costs incurred, in three wasted journey,s travelling to Caswell, Bridgend, on his 'assurances' the relevant documents would be 'handed out at the door' and TWO, for the Chief Constable delaying the renewal of my shot gun certificate, could not be suppressed any longer, within their silly little world and their respective response is as follows:<br /><br /><b>Redacted Caswell Clinic Medical Records<br /></b>The Dr's Defences for petty debt hearing, due 2.30pm, Friday, 24th September 2010, disclose many before 'unseen' medical records under the control of NHS and the South Wales Police, some triggered following my 16th February 2010 MG11 written complaint of criminal conduct.<br /><br />Interestingly, the police, on receit of my complaint, have never come back, refused to inform me of Crime reference number, progress or seek further information. Deja Vu?<br /><br />Police have been always been willing to arrest me, on Dr Williams related matters, [roof of Caswell, 'Airborne delivery' of the evidence to Judge Cooke, top shirt pocket 'delivery' of Court of Appeal 'grounds']. But once confronted in the police cell, each time, on the matter of the fabricated medical records, at the original behest of CPS and police and am I 'fit to be interviewed'?, the police have simply slammed the cell door, thus cutting short the 'basic rights' afforded to an accused, like being medically examined after police assault and entitlement to be interviewed, under caution, while evidence is fresh for their duties on 'preservation'. Deja Vu?<br /><br />If it were not for 'the right arm not knowing what the left arm is doing', in the South Wales Police none of these damning documents would ever have been disclosed. Some of these will be on Downloads, shortly, under Chief Executive of Abertawe Morgannwg University Local Health Board 15th Sept. letter from me, following the timely intervention by Welsh Assembly Health Minister, Edwina Hart AM.<br /><br /><b>Shot Gun Certificate Renewal<br /></b>The police have been 'perspiring' over this application, for quite some time now, thus causing my petty debt action for damages leading to a favourable judgment. The Chief Constable knew full well, any disclosure needed to defend it, in the Cardiff Justice Centre, despite having that place 'completely buttoned up', or any High Court Appeal, next year, in London, should he be so minded as not to 'renew' my gun licence, will cause a' very real risk of' hidden unlawful MAPPA covert surveillance evidence being disclosed.<br /><br />This is still urgently needed to be put before His Honour Judge Seys Llewlyn QC, for the current 10 week civil trial. That evidence would further prove the unlawful 'machine gun' imprisonment was utterly dependent on Dr Williams and Professor Wood's false medical evidence suggesting 'significant brain damage' and Barbara Wilding's Feb 09 false affidavit, she being the Executive Chair or her Deputy, at their irregular run monthly MAPPA meetings.<br /><br />The police, I remember, told the 'machine gun' jury, in January trial, they had 'no record' of my ever having held a 'fire arms certificate' let alone a shot gun licence with the jury telling me afterwards, in the resteurant, they all concluded the police were obviously lying.<br /><br />I must go back to bed now and get some rest, for I have a few other problems to address, the consequences of collateral 'machine gun' damage.</p>10 09 16: Police MAPPA Abuse on Front Page of South Wales' Leading Newspaper, 17 Sep 2010 13:01:00 GMTc7306cf9-8c9b-4f2c-8f21-f8b2637dc339:1550SabineKMcNeill<p><a href=""><b>The Glamorgan Gem</b></a> has been following Maurice's legal battles and reported on numerous occasions.<br /></p><p>Oct 01: <a href="">'Flying Vet' claims South Wales Police were out to get him</a> <br /></p><p>Sept 16: <a href="">Evidence still to be called in case against police</a><br /><br />Sept 10: <a href="">'Flying Vet' Kirk v South Wales Police</a><br /><br />July 02: <a href="">The Flying Vet's silence in court means he is back in prison</a><br /><br />Mar 05: <a href="">'Flying Vet' is bailed</a><br /><br />Feb 12: <a href="">'Flying Vet' not guilty</a><br /><br />Feb 05: <a href="">Flying Vet case takes dramatic turn as 'Foxy' gives evidence</a>  <br /><br />Jan 29: <a href="">Vet denies antique gun charges as court case opens</a><br /></p><p class="MsoNormal"> </p>10 09 10: Judge orders investigation into MAPPA ’s relevance for Flying Vet’s current court proceedings, 17 Sep 2010 12:59:00 GMTc7306cf9-8c9b-4f2c-8f21-f8b2637dc339:1549SabineKMcNeill<p><b>In his case before Cardiff County Court, Maurice Kirk, the Flying Vet, charges South Wales Police with countless false imprisonments, malicious prosecutions and failure to investigate crimes against him, his family, surgery and law courts, in particular, the court of the Royal College of Veterinary Surgeons. Without his knowledge, Mr Kirk was categorised MAPPA  level 3 (posing serious risk of harm to the public) between June and December 2009. But Police denies the relevance of this supervision to current proceedings. MAPPA is short for “Multi-Agency Protection Arrangement” between Prison, Probation and Police. The law rules since August 2009, that offenders are kept informed of management meetings.</b></p><p>On trial day 1, September 7th 2010, Ex-Chief Constable of South Wales Police Barbara Wilding and Dr Tegwyn Williams, Director of South Wales Police Forensic Psychiatric Prison, Caswell Clinic, Bridgend, failed to answer to witness subpoenas served on them by the Claimant. However, Dr Ruth Bagshaw, who is psychologist and Clinical Lead at Caswell Clinic, is member of the Strategic Management Board of MAPPA South Wales Area. Hence they would have discussed the ‘senior management oversight’ required for level 3 offenders. Mr Kirk’s lawyers maintain that there has not been an offence, hence he is not an offender.<br /> <br /> Judge Seys Llewellyn QC had ordered on 17August 2010 that the Police’s solicitor should make urgent enquiries and provide a statement by 31 August 2010 with MAPPA details. Mr Kirk had not seen any MAPPA related documents until Adrian Paul Oliver of Dolmans Solicitors followed the order to give details about dates, documents and discussion at meetings. According to MAPPA information sharing protocol, such documents are to be passed on to the ‘offender’ since the law changed in August 2009. When detained in prison on 1st July 2010, Mr Kirk was given written confirmation that he is not subject to MAPPA and that “all information indicates that you never have been”.<br /> <br /> Mr Kirk has been jailed 20 times and spent 12 weeks in Caswell Clinic, where he was diagnosed with supposedly incurable brain damage and possibly cancer. These medical records are now required by his surgeons for an urgent hip replacement. On trial day 2 the judge adjourned until next Monday.<br /> <br /> Dr Tegwyn Williams is expected to appear in court on Monday September 13th when proceedings recommence at 11am. The trial is expected to rely on disclosure of evidence and to last for 10 weeks.<br /> <br /> Mr Oliver’s statement does not contain details about other levels of categorisation previously managed. Category 1 applies to sexual and Category 2 to violent offenders. Category 3 refers to offenders who pose a risk of serious harm such as terrorists.<br /> <br /> <i>"We have been following your ‘trials and tribulations’ with some sadness here in Florida. So sad that your own country men would treat one of the last true British Explorers with such cruelty and stupidity. Please know that at least all the tail dragger pilots in the world are rooting for sanity to prevail in your case.” </i><a href="">Tom Frohne, Florida</a><br /> <br /> <b>CONTACT<br /> <br /> </b>Maurice J Kirk on 07907 937 953, <a href=""></a><br /> <br /> Sabine K McNeill on 07968 039 141 or in Germany 0049 33876 90166, email <a href=""></a><br /> <br /> <b>EDITORS' NOTES</b><br /> <br /> 1. The <a href="">Forum for Stable Currencies campaigns</a> to comply with the rule of law, see also <a href=""></a><br /> <br /> 2. <a href="">Victims Unite!</a> and <a href="">Flying Vet challenges South Wales Police</a> are published by Sabine K McNeill </p> <p class="MsoNormal"> </p> 10 09 06: Flying Vet on Morphine in Court as Medical Records not Released, 17 Sep 2010 12:25:00 GMTc7306cf9-8c9b-4f2c-8f21-f8b2637dc339:1547SabineKMcNeill<p><b>Despite receiving morphine and other strong pain killers, Maurice J Kirk will act as Claimant and Plaintiff in Cardiff <span class="zem_slink">County</span> Court on Tuesday, September 7<sup>th</sup>. His <span class="zem_slink">hip replacement</span> was scheduled to take place on July 20<sup>th</sup>, but surgeons refused to operate without medical records. While a psychiatrist claimed serious brain <span class="zem_slink">damage</span> and possibly <span class="zem_slink">brain tumour</span>, Kirk’s many attempts to get access to his records or an adjournment of trial have failed. </b><b> </b></p> <p>Known as the <a href="">Flying Vet</a>, Maurice Kirk has suffered from harassment by South Wales Police since 1977. Harassment included being jailed 20 times and sectioned in a psychiatric hospital, besides enduring police ignored arson, the stealing of cars and motor bikes and numerous break-ins into his surgery in five years.</p> <p>This list is far from being exhaustive, as he filed nearly 50 judicial review applications and won over 100 cases whilst only losing twelve. Mr Kirk has discovered so much police criminality that he relies on the web as the most transparent publishing medium, even though his <span class="zem_slink">website</span> was closed down by judges and emails were blocked, too.</p> <p>Maurice Kirk wants to let the general public know about the reality of what he calls “HM Partnership”, the collaboration between agencies that even succeeded in getting him struck off the registry of Veterinary Surgeons. “Multi-Agency Public Protection Arrangement” (MAPPA) is the technical term to justify the kind of surveillance that he has been suspecting for decades.</p> <p>It now emerged that Mr Kirk was under MAPPA management Category 3 from 8<sup>th</sup> June 2009 until 17<sup>th</sup> December 2009. This was released following the Court’s request for information and was identified by Adrian Paul Oliver of <i>Dolmans </i>in Cardiff.</p> <p>Mr Oliver’s statement does not contain details about other levels of categorisation previously managed. Category 1 applies to sexual and Category 2 to violent offenders. Category 3 refers to offenders who pose a risk of serious harm such as terrorists. However, Mr Kirk’s solicitor claims there is no offence, hence Mr Kirk is no offender. Furthermore, Cardiff Prison denied MAPPA surveillance whilst he was in their custody.</p> <p>The trial is about countless false imprisonments, malicious prosecutions and failure to properly investigate crimes committed against Mr Kirk and his family in his house, surgery, <span class="zem_slink">law</span> courts and, in particular, the <span class="zem_slink">court</span> of The <a href="" class="zem_slink" title="Royal College of Veterinary Surgeons" rel="wikipedia">Royal College of Veterinary Surgeons</a>. It is expected to rely on disclosure of evidence and to last for 10 weeks.</p> <p><i>"It is utterly disgraceful and unacceptable in any civilised society that a man and his family who have been so badly harmed by public officials are not offered any redress, remedy or resolution, let alone apologies or compensation. <span class="zem_slink">White collar</span> crime is much more pervasive than most people know, but governments deny responsibility. We hope that the Coalition Government with its intent to take white collar crime as seriously as any other, will bring justice where injustice has ruled.” </i>Sabine K McNeill, Web Publisher</p> <p><b>CONTACT </b></p> <p>Maurice J Kirk on 07907 937 953, <a href=""></a><br /></p> <p>Sabine K McNeill on 07968 039 141 or in Germany 0049 33876 90166, email <a href="" title=""></a><br /></p> <p><b>EDITORS' NOTES</b></p> <p>1. The <a href=""><b>Forum for Stable Currencies</b></a> campaigns to comply with the rule of law, see also Enforce<br /></p> <p>2. <a href=""><b>Victims Unite!</b></a> and <a href=""><b>Flying Vet challenges South Wales Police</b></a> are published by Sabine K McNeill</p><p> </p>Before Trial Day 7: Letter to HM Treasury Solicitor, 17 Sep 2010 10:47:00 GMTc7306cf9-8c9b-4f2c-8f21-f8b2637dc339:1533SabineKMcNeill<p>On Friday 17th September the court is likely to hear that police, in law, are immune to prosecution and the matter will lead to a £800,000 bill for Maurice, NO, now £1,200,000! <br /><br />All  invited for tomorrow's 'fireworks' (proceedings) Cardiff County Court 11am - Maurice is buying the lunch.<br /></p> <p>Judge quickly switches part heard MAPPA 'argument' in court, revelations becoming rather too embarrassing for the 'Welsh authoirites', to offer for South Wales Police to 'strike out' all three Claims for damages, after eighteen years of litigation, it having already been argued and lost in a previous court!....DOWNLOADS will explain why.<br /></p> <p>Gem Newspaper catches judge say, "the matter of whether the case is 'achievable' had yet to be considered"...see DOWNLOADS. </p> <p>In preparation, Maurice sent <a href="">this letter</a> to HM Treasury Solicitor. <br /></p>