Search results matching tags 'South Wales Police' and 'HM Partnership',HM+Partnership&orTags=0Search results matching tags 'South Wales Police' and 'HM Partnership'en-USCommunityServer 2007 SP2 (Build: 20611.960)Musas At Tottenham Police Station, 04 Jul 2012 07:09:00 GMTc7306cf9-8c9b-4f2c-8f21-f8b2637dc339:2568Maurice<p>They were strongly advised to be photographed in and out every time and always take at least one witness</p> <p>Lodge an immediate magistrates appeal to reduce the daily ordered signing in nonsense visits down  to once or twice a week at most etc</p> <p>OR as sure as eggs are eggs, they will fabricate any excuse to lock you up in that littlecell until your brain is broken.....I know, trust me, I am not a lawyer.</p> <p>Gulag cards are  being dealt out right now as this Country slips further and further into anarchy and a Stalin like regime .... </p> <p>Who will be next?</p>Civil Litigation for Both, 21 Jun 2012 08:09:00 GMTc7306cf9-8c9b-4f2c-8f21-f8b2637dc339:2544Maurice<p>Considerable evidence of abuse and malicious conduct by both these HM protected organisations will be published shortly, severely having affected my preparation for 17 currently running actions, of course, nearly all relating to South Wales Police and a specific doctor </p>Mr Justice R Singh Judicial Review Decision, 09 Jun 2012 01:34:00 GMTc7306cf9-8c9b-4f2c-8f21-f8b2637dc339:2525Maurice<p>So, boys and girls, what do you make of this latest bit of nonsense from Cardiff' cabal of corruption?<br /> <br />In a string of Cardiff criminal courts, for futile bail applications and farsical substantive trials, I was certified as '<strong>MAD</strong>', written on my 'Remand Warrant' and therefore<br />refused:<br /> <br /> legal papers from cell below courts <br />2.sight of court exhibits<br />3.defence witnesses<br />4.right to cross examine prosecution witnesses whilst they milked  Sect 36 of YJCR Act <br />5. medical attention<br />6. adjournments etc etc<br /> <br />I wonder if His Lordship is aware of just what he is getting himself into, Caspar?<br /></p> <p>During 1st Dec Mag 'Harassment' hearing,1st March Crown Appeal and even in 2nd May 'trial by jury', Restraining Order nonsense, all were marked by my curtailed time in my either giving  evidence in chief or in  cross examination, when so granted such a privilage or chance to discuss cases with witnesses and helpers who had travelled the length and breadth of Europe to witness another 'machine gun'/ brain tumour stitch up by the South Wales Police.<br /> <br />The CPS admit repeated Crown and County Court Orders have been made to produce, oh so long ago:<br /> <br /> <strong>1</strong>. the  <strong>Restraining Order draft</strong> to be found, hand written by District judge John Charles, no less and<br /> <strong>2</strong>. Dolmans, solicitors for SWP, 18th/19th June 2009 police <strong>statement of complaint</strong>, to get me jailled for life, IPP, using armed police, helicopter, in Operations 'Chalice' re machine gun and ammunition and 'Orchid', to snatch my 10 year old daughter, the latter allowing me to understand just what the Musa parents are going through right <strong>NOW</strong><br /> <br />Neither ordered document has been disclosed, of course or someone might be going to, not collecting £200, when passing 'GO' but straight to gaol [jail].<br /> <br />Ha Ha  so just what is new under the sun?<br /> <br />I suggest 'Lawful' or 'Unlawful' Rebellion is now long overdue <br /> <br />I will appeal</p>Re Arrested re MUSA Conspiracy, 17 Dec 2011 12:42:00 GMTc7306cf9-8c9b-4f2c-8f21-f8b2637dc339:2339Maurice<p>Thoroughly deceitful District Judge John Charles not only arranges my being  convicted in my absence he refuses me my legal papers, right to cross examine any witness or call witnesses of my own.This evil man would not even allow me to plead guilty in order I leave prison.</p> <p>Equally wicked Cardiff Crown Court judges, at the same time, deliberately avoided the continuing 'abuse of process' by avoiding my bail applications being heard. Cardiff County Court just struck out about five of my  actions due to my 'failure to attend' blaming the HM prison who, in turn, blamed the prisoner!</p> <p>So much for the stench of the Welsh Judiciary currently snivelling to the UK tax payer trying to become 'independant' of Whitehall so they can steal and pillage even more un taxed cash from  their Principality </p> <p> </p>Evilness Personified, 10 Aug 2011 07:44:00 GMTc7306cf9-8c9b-4f2c-8f21-f8b2637dc339:2091Maurice<p>JUST one of several very deceitful Cardiff Judges playing the 'Race Card'</p>Mackenzie Angels, 08 Aug 2011 18:58:00 GMTc7306cf9-8c9b-4f2c-8f21-f8b2637dc339:2085Maurice<p>Forget our thoroughly corrupt legal trade and use Common Law to seek 'justice', (yet another ill conceived man-made concept)</p>HM Court Service (Cardiff) continue their Dirty Work, 23 Jun 2011 22:48:37 GMTc7306cf9-8c9b-4f2c-8f21-f8b2637dc339:2021Maurice<p>Para 1.</p> <p>In this magistrates case it was done by a local solicitor on the Applicant's behalf, he being in France recovering from major surgery</p> <p>The High Court  judge was deliberately misled by HM Court Service (Wales) one, when it was <u>three</u> different District Judges  that had sat on each of  the three hearings, making the JR refusal absolute nonsence...but who cares?</p> <p>The judge was told I was legally represented in the original substantive hearing, the subject of appeal,  what a load of.nonsence. I employed no one to represent me,on 2nd november 2010 bed ridden in Brittany on daily morphine.</p> <p>The district judge refusing a rehearing NEVER saw the five medical reports accepted by the earlier district judge, for an ajournment. Just another example of evil games played by HM Court Service (Wales) to mislead visiting judges from England.</p> <p>Para 2.</p> <p>How on earth do you appeal to Crown Court when you have not yet been sentanced?</p> <p>You have little chance of winning an appeal in Cardiff Crown Court, if originally refused the earlier summary hearing. From someone who has won more than eight or nine Crown Court appeals, I know. Based on the simple premise that prosecution witnesses have difficulty in remembering how to lie twice, accurately, makes  the High Court judge's opinion open to debate.</p> <p>Para 3. </p> <p> </p> <p>As to the suggestion of transfering the case to England the reader must be aware that the writer has attempted that for years!!!!</p> <p>Maurice was  told all Judicial Review applications must first be filed in the Welsh system, like both Criminal and Civil appeals, lately. On applying you ask to have it heard outside such an incestuous environment. </p> <p>again, This year, he was  told, for all of his outstanding cases, from Royal Courts of Justice, Cardiff Civil Justice Centre and Cardiff Crown Courts, that <u>his appeals have to be first filed in a Welsh court</u></p> <p>WHY?</p> <p>Wales is frantic to have its own judiciary like Scotland so it is much easier to milk the tax payer!!!</p> <p>I seriously wonder if this visiting English judge actually saw any of the appeal papers, by what is written on download judgment. Scribbled up, more likely, in some back office of Cardiff magistrates to prevent further exposure of Wales' diabolical short comings. </p> <p> In this case it was done by a local solicitor on the Applicant's behalf, he being in France recovering from major surgery</p>Adrian Oliver Masterminded Conspiracy, 09 Jun 2011 19:27:00 GMTc7306cf9-8c9b-4f2c-8f21-f8b2637dc339:1984Maurice<p>I invite you to read the heavy documents, to support this poster, sprinkled amongst the DOWNLOADS as an indication on just how tax payer's money is squandered and purloined amongst the cabal within the Welsh Judiciary, nearly all driven by avarice and self gratification.</p> <div>It was clearly <a href="">Adrian Oliver</a> of Dolmans who masterminded the <a href="">Chief Constable's false affidavit</a> and supported the criminal damage threat/machine gun arrest as long as a Welsh judge had me sectioned, using rogue <a href="">Dr Williams</a> and any other unless forced legal representation, whilst I was incarcerated, could be achieved.</div> <div> </div> <div>Oliver had 'chapter and verse', in my lever arch files of court cases and armed break-in into my surgery in 1993 or 94, denied by <a href="">Barbara Wilding</a>, served on him years before he drafted the false affivavit that was ordered by Judge Nicholas Chambers QC in 2008.</div>Recorder of Cardiff, 08 Jun 2011 21:22:00 GMTc7306cf9-8c9b-4f2c-8f21-f8b2637dc339:1982Maurice<p>The epitome of what is so seriously going wrong in South Wales and elsewhere, apparently, in our Country, overcome, in my short life time, as a 'war baby', without even a shot being fired!.</p> <p>The likes of Cooke QC (Quaintly Corrupted ?) and I know at least nine others in Cardiff Crown Court, have been promised their very own 'independant' judiciary', not answereable to our country's tax payer, Justice Ministry or even basic human rights, originating from our Magna Carta ......God help the Welsh and my many friends there!</p>Barbara Wilding, Ex Chief Constable, 06 Jun 2011 22:41:00 GMTc7306cf9-8c9b-4f2c-8f21-f8b2637dc339:1981Maurice<p>Substantial reward for information behind the South Wales Police attempts to having me shot by armed police unit purportedly guarding this woman, 24/7</p> <p>Absolute confidentiality, trust me, all is true See this private prosecution link, HM Conspiratorial Partnership, here: <a href=""><font color="#efbc97">this document</font></a>.</p>